Healthy Smoothies
2022-08-30 23:15:33

Smoothies have gained popularity in recent years for their nutritional benefits, especially among those looking for a quick breakfast and those looking to incorporate more fresh produce into their diets. Smoothies often contain sweet, savory fruit paired with dark leafy greens, including kale or spinach, to help maintain blood sugar levels and control food cravings. These effects are largely due to the healthy fiber found in fresh fruits and vegetables.

Because smoothies are so popular these days, they are also readily available in stores. But you can't be sure if the store has extra sugar and other ingredients added and making your own smoothies before starting the day is a great morning habit. If you want to start making nutritious, delicious beverages at home, check out these three healthy, easy-to-prep smoothie recipes and you'll be on your way.

1. Wheatgrass Smoothie

Wheatgrass has always been a popular item in health food stores - have you ever seen a wheatgrass juice? - but now it's becoming more common everywhere. Wheatgrass comes from wheat, actually the first early sprouts of wheat that will eventually grow into the wheat we use to make bread and pasta. These bright green sprouts are packed with nutrients like iron, calcium and magnesium that our bodies need to function at their best. In addition, wheatgrass is rich in amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, and chlorophyll, which keep the body's cells healthy. On its own, the taste of wheatgrass isn't very appetizing; it has a bitter, earthy taste that can wrinkle your lips. But when you combine it with other healthy ingredients, like the banana, orange, and coconut water in this recipe, you'll enjoy fresh flavors and tons of health benefits. Note, it is important to mix the wheatgrass separately before adding the other ingredients to ensure that all the ingredients are blended smoothly.

2. Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Who doesn't love the classic combination of fresh strawberries and bananas? These tried-and-true flavors are especially satisfying in smoothies. As an added bonus, strawberries are rich in fiber and vitamin c. Plus, thanks to their high vitamin B6 content, bananas "are thought to reduce swelling, prevent type 2 diabetes, aid in weight loss, strengthen the nervous system, and aid in the production of white blood cells," Live Science reports. Sometimes simple is best. If you want to eat more of these fruits in the morning, try the strawberry banana smoothie. It's made with almond milk, but you can easily replace it with your favorite milk. You can also add a tablespoon of honey or maple syrup if you find the smoothie sour. Thick smoothies can use frozen fruit. For a thicker smoothie, start with less milk. Gradually add more liquid as you whisk until you reach your desired consistency.

3. Spinach Smoothie

A spinach smoothie might not sound appetizing, but it's sweet, delicious, and great for your health—similar to a wheatgrass smoothie. Spinach is rich in vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants and fiber. It supports your immune system function; can help improve your blood pressure; and may even help reduce your risk of breast, stomach, skin, prostate, and ovarian cancer. You can toss a handful of fresh spinach leaves into any smoothie and start enjoying the health benefits of this leafy green—it doesn't pack a lot of flavors—following the 100 Days of Real Food recipe, you can Helping you make delicious, healthy versions of greens. Simply combine 2 cups of spinach, 2 cups of your favorite liquid, and 3 cups of any fruit listed to create your own custom smoothie.