Fill Up Your Smoothies
2022-08-30 23:09:50

Breakfast smoothies are a great way to pack a bunch of nutrients at the start of the day, but they often leave you hungry before noon. You can make a few simple adjustments based on personal preferences and dietary needs to make your morning smoothie meal worthy. Here are some tips to help you fill up your morning smoothie.

1. Substitute coconut water for juice

Juice is not as healthy as you might think and should definitely not replace whole fruit in smoothies because it is deprived of fiber and high in sugar. Fruit juices are often used as a liquid base in smoothies for easy blending, but it's best to use another beverage that's lower in sugar. Coconut water is a great substitute for fruit juice in smoothies because of its mild sweetness, while also being a great source of several electrolytes such as potassium and phosphorus. Electrolytes hydrate your body, helping you separate hunger from unexpected dehydration! Choosing a low-sugar beverage will also help prevent blood sugar spikes. Coconut water adds great moisture and tropical flavor to your Mango Coconut Green Shake.

2. Pump protein in

If your stomach starts to feel funny about an hour or two after drinking your morning smoothie, the fix might be as simple as adding more protein. You can certainly go out and buy expensive protein powders, but you probably already have several good sources of protein in the kitchen! Nut butter is a good example, as it contains not only protein but also healthy fats that will keep you full for hours. Cheese also increases the protein content and can make your smoothie very creamy. Even the dark leafy greens that sit in the fridge all week are a sneaky source of extra protein that adds nutrition to your morning smoothie. A two-cup serving adds about 3g of protein and 2g of fiber reinforcement. Almond Butter and Banana Protein Shake is packed with 19 grams of protein to ensure a tummy rumbling.

3. Toss in some oats

Another ingredient that may already be in your kitchen is oats - which can really help boost smoothie counts! Oatmeal has the perfect combination of protein and fiber to promote fullness and freshness. Adding half a cup of oatmeal to a breakfast smoothie provides 6g of protein and 4g of fiber-boosting ingredients. Plus, the oats will help thicken your smoothie and give it a creamy texture. Try them in Blueberry-Peach Pie Smoothie which sound as delicious as they are.

4. Add some seeds

Seeds like chia, flax, and hemp are nutritional powerhouses—full of healthy fats, fiber, protein, and plenty of vitamins and minerals. Although these "superfoods" are often expensive, you can buy these superfoods in bulk at Costco or Trader Joe's and store them in the refrigerator. These seeds can be a game-changer for your morning smoothie as they provide amazing texture and boost their nutritional value. The flax ingredient in the Strawberry Banana Protein Smoothie is wonderful!

5. Use Greek yogurt

Swapping out flavored plain yogurt for plain Greek yogurt in your shake will go a long way toward boosting satiety. Greek yogurt packs 14 to 20 grams of protein per six-ounce container (depending on fat content), which will make your smoothie rich and creamy, just like a milkshake! Plus, ditching the high-sugar yogurt will help keep your blood sugar from rising and keep your stomach full until lunch. Greek yogurt provides the perfect thick and creamy consistency for your Mango Almond Smoothie Bowl!