Pavlova Cake
2022-08-30 14:47:43

Pavlova cake is from Australia. Also known elsewhere as whipped cream meringue cake. The English name Pavlova is in honor of a dancer of the same name. It's not exactly a cake, but it has a very special texture, and the crust is hard to the touch. But the inside of the cake is really fluffy and it tastes like cotton candy.

Pavlova cake is also known as albumen cake. It is very special, the cake itself has a hard shell, with a loose air hole in the middle, taste crisp and sweet. The classic accompaniment to this egg white is fruit. In this strawberry harvest season, the cake is filled with fresh strawberries to add a sweet and sour strawberry flavor.

This cake is very simple to make, but it takes a long time. But this is definitely a cake to look forward to, both in appearance and taste, it will definitely amaze you. If a friend gets a cake like this for his birthday, he is really lucky and can have a very special birthday. My dear friend, are you amazed by its beauty?

If you have some spare time on the weekends, please set aside some time to try this special dessert. It will not disappoint you.

Here is the recipe you may need.


4 eggs (using the white part),

200g caster sugar,

1 teaspoon lemon juice,

8 grams of cornstarch,

200g heavy cream,

20 grams of sugar,

1 teaspoon vanilla extract,

Fresh strawberries in moderation.


1. Draw an 18cm diameter circle on the parchment paper. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites with a whisk until frothy and white. Add the caster sugar in three batches.

2. Add the lemon juice after the second addition of granulated sugar and stir well. (It doesn't matter if the lemon juice is in the beginning, or in the middle.) Add the granulated sugar for a third time and stir until stiff, inverted triangles form.

3. Add starch and make the version evenly until it is smooth and stable.

4. Place beaten egg whites on an 18cm circular baking sheet and arrange into a dome shape. Then cut a groove in the middle in a circle, and shape the outside with a scraper at an Angle.

5. Use the remaining egg whites to squeeze in some meringues for garnish.

6. Preheat the oven to 100 degrees for about 2 hours. Once baked, leave in the oven for 40 minutes before taking it out (the cake needs to be dried at a low temperature for a long time to allow the water to evaporate).

7. Whisk the cream until solid. Add the sugar and vanilla extract. Stir it until it is ready for piping. Put it in a piping bag.

8. Wash fresh strawberries and cut them into small pieces.

9. Take the meringue out of the oven, squeeze the cream in the middle, and top with the strawberries. Repeat with the strawberries and meringue garnish on top.

10. Top with icing sugar and you're ready to eat!