Novel Dessert
2022-08-30 14:32:31

Here's a chic and delicious breakfast option, the Milk Lava French Toast. It's delicious, it's easy to cook, and at the moment it's cut, the mixture of milk and condensed milk flows down like thick lava, and the picture couldn't be more healing.

The aromatic milk is placed in the Cedars to create a "milk leak" effect. The surface Ovaltine is not only used to beautify the image, but the hidden bitterness of Ovaltine can also alleviate the rich sweetness of the milk.

There are two flavors to choose from.

The first one is a cheese milk cover Milk Lava French Toast


cream cheese 30g,

130g light cream,

Milk, 110 g,

12 g sugar,

Salt is 0.8 g,

3 slices of toast,

Ovaltine powder in moderation

Two eggs,

Butter, refined milk amount


1. 30g cream cheese is softened at room temperature. Add 12g granulated sugar and 0.8g salt and whisk until smooth. Add 130g light cream and 10g milk and whisk until thick yogurt-like

2. Mix 2 eggs with 100g milk. Dip both sides of toast in the egg mixture and set aside

3. Melt a knob of butter in a pan over a low heat. Fry toast slices on low heat until golden brown on both sides. Spread one slice of toast evenly with a layer of tempered milk

4. Put a pitted piece of toast on top of the milked toast, pour the milk cap on top of the pitted piece of toast, pour the milk cap on top, and sift thick Ovaltine powder.

5. It's ready to eat

The second one is Hong Kong-style Milk Lava French Toast.

The ingredients

Two thick slices of toast

Two eggs

20 g butter

A moderate amount of milk

A moderate amount of condensed milk

Ovaltine powder or cocoa powder to taste


1. Put eggs into the pot, add appropriate amount of milk, beat evenly, put toast into the pot full of egg liquid

2. Melt 10g butter in a pan and fry toast until golden brown on both sides. Remove from pan

3. Melt 10g butter in a pot, squeeze in some condensed milk, add some milk, stir to boil

4. Put a piece of toast in the basin, squeeze some condensed milk, then put another piece of toast, press out the groove with a spoon, pour the milk into the groove, sieve on Ovaltine powder or cocoa powder

It may be a little sweet for some people, so it can be served with yogurt. Yogurt is rich in probiotics, which have many benefits for the human body. And yogurt taste sweet and sour, fresh solution greasy. It goes very well with the Milk Lava French Toast.

If you like the taste of fried eggs, you can also try coating the sides of toast slices with egg mixture and frying them in a pan before using. This will make the bread taste more mellow, and the texture will be more unique and rich.

Beat the eggs well before you coat them. You can add a little bit of salt to give them more flavour. Remember to use a low heat throughout. Use chopsticks or bread between rolling bread slices to set the narrow sides of the egg before frying both sides.