Crazy Guitar Facts
2022-08-16 19:17:01

Whether you are writing a quiz, want to impress your friends, or just have an insatiable curiosity about guitar, a good fact always goes down very well. This is why we have compiled 7 of the most interesting facts from the world of guitar – the biggest, the smallest and the weirdest!

1. You may now kiss the guitar

You might not believe that, but it’s totally right. Chris Black, a British musician, fell in love with Strat in 2001. He even gave it a name. He used to call it Fenda. This love lasted for thirty-five years when he finally married his guitar! This was an official marriage that was organized by one of his friends in London. Well, this guitar was not his first love in his life nor the first marriage His first marriage was with a woman he loved. According to him, he married his guitar just for fun. It was an act of humor to make people laugh and cheer them up. It was nothing serious.

2. The First-Ever Guitar was Made in Egypt

Well… in certain faculties it was, despite the fact that the guitar-like instrument made 3,500 years back (that's a vintage guitar!) is a long way from the guitars we play today. It had a place with an artist of the time known as Har-Mose and was produced using cleaned cedar with a rawhide soundboard, included three strings, and even had a plectrum gadget appended to the instrument by means of horsehair cord. This fascinating guitar treasure is in plain view in the Archeological Museum in Cairo.

3. The World’s Biggest Guitar is 13 Meters Long…

That’s right – the world’s largest guitar, certified by the Guinness Book of World Records, is over 13 meters long (about 43ft). That’s about the length of a bus! Even more impressively, it is more than just a model – it is actually a playable instrument, with each string delivering the correct pitch. The guitar, which was made by the Academy of Science and Technology in Texas, weighed a whopping 2,255lbs (just over 1,000kgs), took almost a year to build, featured aircraft cable for strings, and was in the iconic shape of a Gibson Flying V.

4. …and the Shortest is Just 10 Microns!

Unless you have particularly nimble fingers, you won’t be able to play this guitar, which comes in at 1/100,000 of a meter long (about the size of a single cell). Made by researchers at Cornell University in New York, the double-cutaway style guitar actually had strings capable of being strummed (by specialist equipment, obviously), although the frequencies are so high they are inaudible to the human ear.

5. Fender Can’t Play the Guitar

When you hear the name Fender, you would instinctively think of instruments or something related to music, right? But, did you know that Fender actually started off as a repair service for radios? They only started making musical instruments back in the early years of the 1940s, where they released their first electric guitar called the 1950 Telecaster. It may seem ironic for someone to sell guitars that do not know how even to play them, right? Leo Fender never actually did learn to play guitar, but instead, he was only good at electronics.

6. Unstoppable Guitar Session

In 2011, an Irish guitarist named Dave Browne broke the world record for playing guitar for four and a half days of non-stop. He started on the 12th of June and finished on the 17th of June. The total time in playing the guitar was 114 hours, 6 minutes, and 30 seconds. People still wonder how his fingers look after playing for that long time. This event happens in Ireland at the Temple Bar Pub, which is a famous temple in Dublin. He used the lent guitar and played around 1,372 whole songs in one go. The guitarist even finished off with a classic song from U2 called With or Without You.

7. The Most Expensive Guitar Ever

Fender name person made the most expensive guitar in the world. It was indeed a unique Strat that was sold for in a fundraising event for the earthquake and Tsunami victims, which took place in India in 2004. The cost of the making was only 20,000 dollars, but it reached a whopping price of $2.8 million when it was sold. Although the making cost of the guitar was 20,000 dollars, the decorations itself reached the price of millions because there were signatures of the 19 iconic guitarists on the guitar.