House Chore Tips
2022-08-16 19:15:07

Some people simply aren’t that good at cleaning. They don’t know how to stay organized and efficient or can’t handle the cleaning workload. However, it’s still useful to learn how to clean your home more efficiently. This can come in handy if you have to get your home in order for unexpected guests.

Luckily, you can easily get better at cleaning if you follow a few simple tips and tricks. And once you find a cleaning approach that works for you, this boring task will become less of a hassle.

1. Include the Family

Everyone makes the mess, so everyone should help clean it. According to the Housekeeping Channel, a study conducted by the University of Minnesota said that the best predictor of a child’s success is the age at which he or she begins helping with household chores.

2. Make a checklist

Know what tasks you are going to tackle each day. Once you have a list of chores, arrange them in the most effective order. For example, cleaning is best accomplished top to bottom. So if you are going to wipe down the cabinets then clean the top cabinets first before the bottom ones. Only after they are done would you mop the floor. When is the best time to do that? Obviously when no one is home to walk on the wet floors. So plan to mop when everyone is out of the house, if not, try to do it when family members are out on errands or at night when they are sleeping.

3. Set your priorities

If you need to clean your home fast, you won’t be able to clean everything, especially not in detail. So, you need to decide which are the must-clean areas around your home. Typically, they include the bathroom, kitchen, and living room.

4. Set a timer

Household tasks will feel more like a game when “racing against the clock”. Determine how long it should take to complete a task and see if you can get it done a little quicker. It also focuses your attention, and you’ll work more quickly. See who can vacuum the living room the fastest. Keep a chart of the times and give a prize to the fastest scores (as long as the chore was completed well).

5. Clean regularly

If you take the time to clean your home on a regular basis, you’ll prevent clutter and dirt from building up, which will make your cleaning sessions easier and more efficient. Instead of spending hours cleaning your home in a single day, you can do 15- to 30- minute cleanings each or every other day.

6. Keep the end in mind

Remind yourself of the end result and how great it will be to enjoy a nice, clean kitchen/dining room/living room/bathroom. Be happy that due to your efforts and encouragement your family will have a safe environment to prepare for school and work each day.

7. Think Ahead

Take steps to keep things clean ahead of time — things like adding extra liners to garbage cans and lining the refrigerator shelves with plastic wrap can save you precious minutes.

8. Celebrate

Celebrate after you complete a task and when you have completed everything on your daily list. Acknowledge that you made a plan and executed it successfully. Congratulate yourself that you’re someone that gets things done.

In summary, put on music or an inspirational lecture and enjoy your cleaning time. Enlist some help from your family and work as a team. Make use of a timer and the time will fly by. Consider making a score chart to keep track of the tasks and the time they took to get done. Having a positive attitude will give you the energy you need to accomplish your household chores quickly and efficiently. As you make your home chores something to look forward to, you’ll find a whole new way to enjoy your day.