Paradises On Earth
2022-08-09 20:37:03

“If there is a paradise on Earth, it is here, it is here, it is here.” These are the words penned by Sufi poet Amir Khusrau as he stood in awe of the magnificence of Kashmir. Like a city out of a fairytale, Kashmir is blessed with beauty in abundance. Every corner of the Kashmir Valley from its crystal blue rivers to its idyllic viridescent meadows inspires visitors and devotees of wonder all four seasons of the year.

While Kashmir might have the pen of a famous mystic backing up its claim to being “paradise on Earth”, the travel trope of visiting sites of natural splendour for a taste of heavenly glory is nonetheless a well-loved cliche. More than anything, the common phrase “paradise on earth” evokes ideas and images of the natural world untouched by man. Be it standing under the Northern Lights dancing like ribbons across the Norwegian night sky or diving among the coral and fish in the Maldives, what we all seek is an experience that moves our very soul.


The Galapagos Islands, a remote archipelago of 13 volcanic islands straddling the equator, is not your typical island paradise. It's more than that. It's a place where cormorants have forgotten how to fly and iguanas have learned to swim; where the ocean floor is speckled with choc-chip starfish and boobies in red boots hang on branches like Christmas baubles. It's a place where half the animal species that call it home are found nowhere else, and most don't give a toss that you are here. Espanola Island is created more than 3.5 million years ago and one of the oldest in the archipelago. Here, you can witness the courting dance of blue-footed boobies, were sneezed on by snotty marine iguanas, and watched in awe as waved albatross landed from the heavens on an "albatross airport".


The world's largest frozen desert, the loneliest and coldest place on Earth that's the most hostile to living beings, may not immediately spring to mind when you hear the word "paradise". But if you consider paradise to be more about peace and purity than piña coladas, mental clarity than water clarity, and rediscovering your sense of wonder for the planet than rediscovering your suntan, then Antarctica must, indeed, be the place. Put simply, Antarctica restores your sense of wonder for the world. And what could be more paradisiacal than that?


This primeval place is where you can examine your own limitations – its raucous beauty and savagery renders individual cares insignificant. Paradise is in the chugging cacophony of hippo, wailing hyena, soft elephant snuffles and eerie sound of lion outside your tent, the giant Nile crocodiles, the up-close breath of danger. In its simplest form, it is life, death and magnificence – a cleansing of the soul.

4. Seychelles

Consisting of 115 islands, Seychelles is a tropical paradise bursting with coral-lined beaches and thriving forests. The near constant sunshine and warm temperatures ensure it continues to be a favorite beach destination. Many visitors are attracted to this destination as most of the islands remain untouched and retain their natural charm. On the island of Praslin, you cannot help but show your astonishment at the biodiversity of the marine life. Here you can find the largest turtles in the archipelago, often much larger than those of the Galapagos. Divers also have the chance to enjoy the company of both dolphins and whale sharks in the depths of the turquoise sea. The island of La Digue boasts a wonderful array of bird life and here you have the chance to encounter the famous black flycatchers, the only bird of paradise remaining in Seychelles.