Get Some Vitamin Sea
2022-08-12 10:07:44

There’s nothing quite as synonymous with summer as the beach — and here is good news for those who flock to the surf and sand as soon as work lets out on Friday afternoon.

Research finds that spending time by the ocean is pretty good for your well-being. In fact, according to an analysis of English census data published in the journal Health Place, those who live by the coast report better physical and mental health than those who don’t.

And in a study published in the Journal of Coastal Zone Management, participants who live in homes with ocean views report feeling calmer than those without them. So, it makes sense then that Hawaii has earned the ranking of happiest state in the U.S. by the annual Gallup poll six times since 2008, doesn’t it?

Blue Health is an increasingly well researched topic. Around the world experts are looking into why blue spaces, such as the sea, can improve our physical and mental wellbeing. And here are the reasons why.

1. Infection-Fighting Minerals

Seawater is overflowing with minerals such as potassium, magnesium, chloride and sodium. Not only do these sneaky substances make our hair and skin look amazing; they also help fight infection and reduce inflammation. That’s why people with skin conditions such as eczema are often advised to swim in the sea as part of their treatment.

2. A Bit Of UV Is Good For Us

When the sun’s UVB light rays shine on us, it stimulates the production of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is very important because it helps our bodies to produce calcium, which in turn prevents diabetes, MS, heart disease and reduces the chance of cancer. However, AS EVERYONE KNOWS, it can be dangerous to stay in the sun for too long without protection – so be sensible out there.

3. Thick Sea Air For Clearer Breathing

Because sea air has high salt content, it is quite thick. This means that as you breathe it in, it’s clearing your throat and respiratory system, allowing clearer breathing and better-quality sleep. Sea air is also known to keep you awake and energetic during the day because it is much cooler.

4. Meditative state

Many of us intuitively feel more relaxed and at peace by the sea, but why exactly is that? Simply staring out to sea can change our brain wave frequency, luring us into a mild meditative state. The color blue is associated with feelings of calm and peace and listening to the ebb and flow of waves and the swell of the sea naturally soothes and relaxes the brain. The fresh salty sea air is full of negative ions, believed to help alleviate depression and the increased levels of Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, which soaks into our skin makes us feel good.

5. Improved sleep

It's not an uncommon phenomenon to sleep well after a cobweb shifting walk by the sea, but now there is actual research to back it up. A study found that people sleep on average for 47 minutes longer after a good walk along the coast. And the sea in particular is thought to play a crucial role, as those who went on a similar length inland walk bagged only 12 minutes of extra precious snooze time. And we all know the power of a good night’s sleep.