Autumn Grapes
2022-08-02 00:55:20

People call purplegrapes autumn grapes. Purple grapes have very high nutritional value. Purple grapes have relatively large fruit particles, some have no pits, and taste very good. Purple grapes contain a variety of trace elements, which are easily absorbed by the human body.

Purple grapes are one of the purple foods. Eating purple grapes regularly can prevent cardiovascular disease, lower cholesterol, and relieve fatigue and neurasthenia. The antioxidant capacity of purple grapes is very high. Eating purple grapes is also an ideal fruit for anti-cancer.

The sugar in grapes is mainly glucose, which can be quickly absorbed by the body. When hypoglycemia occurs in the human body, if you drink grape juice in time, the symptoms can be relieved quickly. Grape juice can help patients with organ transplant surgery reduce rejection and promote quicker recovery.

There are many varieties of purple grapes in the world, and some of them may not be eaten by us. Let’s learn about them together.

1. Summer Black grapes

Xiahei grapes are native to Japan. They are early-maturing varieties. They mature in late July every year. They are seedless and slightly sour in taste. The fruit ear of Xiahei grape is conical, its ear is large, the average ear weight is about 420 grams, the fruit ear is neat in size, and the fruit is closely attached.

The fruit of Xiahei is nearly round, with a natural grain weight of about 3.5 grams, and the peel is purple-black. Its pulp is hard and crisp, the juice is purple-red, the soluble solid content is 20%, and it has a strong strawberry flavor.

2. Victoria Grape

The Victoria grape is native to Romania and is a mid-to-late-ripening variety that ripens in early August every year. The ear is large, conical or cylindrical, the average ear weight is 630 grams (the string is relatively large, the average is more than one kilogram), the ear is slightly longer, and the fruit is medium and compact.

The grapes of Victoria grapes are large, oblong, beautiful in shape, and have no cracks. The average fruit weight is 9.5 grams, and the largest fruit weight is 15 grams. Its rind is yellow-green and medium-thick.

The flesh of Victoria grapes is hard and brittle, sweet and refreshing, and of good quality, with a soluble solid content of 16.0% and an acid content of 0.37%. Its pulp and seeds are easy to separate, and each fruit contains mostly 2 seeds.

3. Red Grapes

The red grape is native to California, so it is also called "American red grape".

The red grape ear is large, long and conical, with an average ear weight of 850 grams, and the largest ear weight can reach 2,500 grams (the maximum is nearly five pounds). The fruit is round or oval, with an average grain weight of 11 grams to 20 grams, and the maximum can reach 30 grams. Its rind is medium-thick and the fruit is dark red.

The pulp of red grape is hard and crisp, can be cut into thin slices, sweet and delicious, pure flavor, more than 16.5% soluble solids, no juice when cut by knife, very high quality, and long stalk, tightly combined with the fruit, not easy to crack. The fruit brush of red grapes is thick, with very firm attachment, strong tensile strength, and no threshing.