Eat More Natural
2022-08-06 16:31:31

No matter where you look, the food we consume is getting farther away from nature. Grocery store shelves are filled with processed foods with preservatives and additives that are hard to pronounce. When you think about the effect this type of diet can have on your health, it’s troubling.

You can start bringing your diet more in line with nature, and that means eating more fruits. Eating fruit provides health benefits — people who eat more fruits as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Fruits provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of your body. In this article, we look at the nutrition and the many and varied health benefits of these and other fruits you can find in the supermarket.

1. Lemons

Lemons are a citrus fruit that people often use in traditional remedies because of their health benefits. Like other citrus fruits, they contain vitamin C and other antioxidants. Antioxidants are essential for human health. These compounds mop up free radicals in the body that can damage the body’s cells and lead to diseases, such as cancers. Researchers believe that the flavonoids in lemon and other citrus fruits have antibacterial, anticancer, and antidiabetic properties.

How to eat lemons

Use the juice of a lemon to flavor drinking water or squeeze over a salad or fish. Try adding lemon juice to boiling water with a teaspoon of honey to help soothe a sore throat. It is also possible to eat the rind of organic lemons. Some people use the rind in recipes.

2. Strawberries

Strawberries are a juicy, red fruit with a high water content. The seeds provide plenty of dietary fiber per serving. Strawberries contain many healthful vitamins and minerals.

Of particular note, they contain anthocyanins, which are flavonoids that can help boost heart health. The fiber and potassium in strawberries can also support a healthy heart.

In one studyTrusted Source, women who ate 3 or more servings per week of strawberries and blueberries — which are both known for their high anthocyanin content — had a lower risk of having a heart attack than those with lower intake.

Strawberries and other colorful berries also contain a flavonoid called quercetin. This is a natural anti-inflammatory compound.

How to eat strawberries

Strawberries are a versatile fruit. People can eat them raw or add them to breakfast cereals or yogurt, blend them into a smoothie, or make them into jam.

3. Pomegranate

Many people consider pomegranates to be a ‘superfood.’ They are high in antioxidants and polyphenols, which help to combat the oxidative stress that can cause disease in the body. Eat pomegranates with the seeds to get the fiber benefits.

How to eat pomegranate

Pomegranates can make a great addition to salads, or to couscous or rice dishes. Pomegranates are sweet, so people can also add them to yogurt and fruit salads.

4. Pineapple

Pineapple is an exotic fruit that may help reduce inflammation and promote healthy tissue growth. Pineapple contains an active compound called bromelain, which many people take as a dietary supplement because of its potential health benefits. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health state thatTrusted Source bromelain can help with reducing nasal inflammation or sinusitis. However, scientists need to carry out more research into its benefits for osteoarthritis and its anticancer potential. Pineapples contain manganese, which the body uses to build bone and tissue.

How to eat pineapple

People can enjoy fresh pineapple by itself or in fruit salads. They can also use pineapple to make a tropical salsa or add it as a topping on fish tacos. Try adding frozen pineapple to smoothies.

5. Avocado

Many people refer to avocados as a superfood because of their healthful qualities.

Avocados are rich in oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat which helps lower cholesterol levels. The American Heart Association say thatTrusted Source maintaining healthy cholesterol levels with healthful fats could reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Avocados are rich in potassium. They also contain lutein, an antioxidant which is important for healthy eyes and skin.

How to eat avocado

People can add avocado to salads, or mix with lime, garlic, and tomatoes to make guacamole. Add avocado to smoothies or hummus or use avocado instead of other fats in baking.