Unique Taste
2022-08-08 15:05:13

Traditional popcorn is made from corn and heated in a small rotary oven on high heat, possibly with some saccharin added for flavor, but not any margarine-like fat. Traditional popcorn is not high in fat.

The pros and cons of popcorn.


1. Popcorn generally contains a lot of dietary fiber, folic acid, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, riboflavin, thiamine and other nutrients.

2. Popcorn is high in calories and can quickly replenish energy for the human body.

3. Eating popcorn can exercise facial muscles, thereby reducing the production of facial wrinkles.

4. Studies have found that eating popcorn after meals can clean your teeth.


1. Popcorn itself is a food that is easy to get angry. Eating too much can easily cause mouth sores and lead to excessive lead.

Excessive consumption may have certain effects and damages on nerves, hematopoiesis, digestion, kidneys and endocrine systems, and even lead to acute lead poisoning in severe cases.

2. Regular consumption of flavored popcorn may lead to a condition called "popcorn lung", or bronchiolitis obliterans.

Symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fever, and chest pain often occur.

The margarine in popcorn provides us with excess energy and trans fatty acids, and the extra energy brings obesity closer to us.

Eating too much artificial coloring may lead to ADHD in children.

Although popcorn is delicious, you can't eat it too often!

Preservation method.

Because popcorn is susceptible to moisture, it will lose its crispy and delicious fresh taste after getting wet, so popcorn is not easy to keep for too long and should be eaten fresh.

If it is to be stored, it must be placed in a ventilated and dry place to prevent moisture.

What are the flavors of popcorn?

Original Popcorn.

Plain popcorn is our most common popcorn flavor. Although no seasoning is added, the sweetness of the corn kernels is amplified and the aroma of the original popcorn is enticing.

Chocolate flavored popcorn.

You can add chocolate powder to the prepared original popcorn and stir, there will be a light chocolate flavor. The original popcorn can also be drizzled with fresh chocolate sauce, and the popcorn dipped in chocolate sauce will make people feel extremely satisfying.

Creamy popcorn.

The aroma of cream popcorn is the most attractive, its light cream aroma makes people feel sweet, cream popcorn tastes slightly softer and more delicious.

There are many other flavors of popcorn, be sure to try them!