Knowledge Is Power
2022-08-06 23:54:17

Knowledge is a powerful acquisition in life which, when given to someone, does not decrease. It’s like burning something to a cd it will be forever saved.

We’ve all heard the saying, “Knowledge is Power” and we spend most of our lives trying to learn and learn and learn. We’re constantly storing knowledge in our brains.

Now have you thought about why do we need knowledge? It is important to have some knowledge in whatever you associate yourself with but not everything as some may consider a waste of time.

Knowledge is power means that a person has education and a complete control on his life by using that knowledge. Educated persons can easily handle the things in life. Knowledge is the strongest tool providing power to the people and knowledge cannot be defeated by any other power on the earth. We can also say that, knowledge gives power to a person who fights for his rights and compete with the world.

Knowledge has created a difference between a man and an animal. Human beings cannot be compared with animals in physical power but, human beings have been the most powerful creature on the earth just because of the power of the knowledge.

Here are some things to remember about wisdom and/or knowledge, to remind you why it is never a waste of time to pursue it:

1.It’s free

You really can learn pretty much anything for free, if you put your mind to it.

2.It’s renewable

Knowledge doesn’t expire– you can use it over and over again.

3.There’s no limit to sharing it

The renewability of your knowledge isn’t limited to you.

4.It’s interesting

It’s another thing that sounds awfully cheesy to say, but learning is fun.

5.It can’t be taken from you

Even if everything else was taken from you, like your possessions, your social status, or your health-– you would still have all the information you’ve learned that you could manage to remember.

6.It’s the best silver lining

No matter what totally crazy messed-up stuff goes down in your life, you will be wiser for the experience.

7.It liberates us

Knowledge gives us the ability to survive and thrive in the world. This is freedom, and you can’t have real power without freedom.

Some Tricks To Learn Anything Better:

1. Work Out

Lifting weights and doing cardio carry a host of physical benefits, but turns out exercise can also improve learning and memory. 

2. Meditate

Regularly getting your om on isn’t just great for managing stress, it also improves memory, impulse control, and attention span.

3. Eat Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

PUFAs (particularly omega-3 fatty acids) are crucial for brain function and help control the brain’s learning and memory centers.

7. Take Up a Hobby

It’s important to spend some time each day on activities other than work or studying. Not only does the brain need time to take stock of all the learning it’s done, but picking up unrelated hobbies can make you smarter . 

21. Connect With Existing Knowledge

If you can tie what you’re learning to something you’ve learned before, it helps toimprove recall speed and promote new learning.