The Good Habit
2023-03-13 21:10:57

If you don't help your child build a good toy organization system, then toys will be like "Brownian motion" - disorderly and ubiquitous in your home. Choosing the right storage tools is an important part of a mother's toy organization system.

Before studying storage, it's important to control the quantity. A good storage system can't hold endless desires. Clean up in time and keep your buying habits in check. Get rid of broken, outdated, or unused toys, and let your child enjoy playing with what's left.

To identify which toys to keep, observe your child's likes and dislikes during playtime. You can generally figure out which types of toys your child enjoys playing with the most and which ones they lose interest in quickly. Another good way is to go to the play corner of the parent-child area of the mall, which basically has all types of toys, making it easy to find what your child likes.

When choosing storage tools, make sure they are safe, convenient, practical, and economical. After controlling the entrances and exits, the next step is to find ways to improve your storage ability. The right kind of storage can mobilize those little hands that are good at creating clutter and let the child take care of it, so the mother can naturally have an easier time.

On the contrary, unsuitable storage methods may be difficult for children to handle, such as stacked storage boxes that children cannot move or storage spaces that are too small, requiring a lot of effort to organize.

When choosing storage tools, it's important to consider their safety, convenience, practicality, and affordability. Here are two popular options:

1. Traditional shelves:

The height of traditional shelves is much higher than other products, and with suitable shelf boxes, they offer unmatched storage capacity. The disadvantage of the traditional shelf is that the upper part is not reachable for children, and if the wall is not well-fixed, children climbing may cause safety hazards. However, you can arrange the lower part into the child's clean-up area, but be sure to fix it well if your child is still small.

2. Picture book and toy storage:

This type of shelf is designed to store picture books and toys simultaneously, making it an efficient solution for limited spaces. The advantages are obvious: books, toys, and supplies are all in one place. The top can be used for commonly used books, and the storage basket below can hold more to-be-replaced books, making it easy for children to find what they need. This option is especially child-friendly for younger children.

Additionally, most of the materials are metal, which doesn't cause any pollution problems. It's also easy to organize and can hold large boxes. However, the storage capacity is limited, and it may be difficult to coordinate the colors with your home decor.

Choosing the right storage tools and controlling the number of toys are both essential for maintaining a tidy and organized home. With a little effort, you can make playtime more enjoyable for your child and make cleaning up less of a chore for yourself.