The Combination Of Stars
2022-04-29 18:23:09

A constellation is one of the essential components of astrology. It also refers to the combination of stars in the sky. Since ancient times, humans have linked groups of stars with their mythical characters or instruments. Constellations are the means of determining our position on earth almost all civilizations used constellations in the field of navigation. The division of constellations are completely artificial, and different civilizations have different divisions and names.

There was no uniform precise boundary for constellations until 1930. To unify the complex constellation division, the International Astronomical Union divided the sky into 88 official constellations with precise boundaries, so that each star in the sky belongs to a specific constellation. Most of these official constellations are based on ancient Greek mythology handed down through the Middle Ages. In contrast, there are some widely circulated star combinations that are not recognized as official constellations, such as the Big Dipper.

To facilitate the study and observation of many stars in the sky, astrologers of Mesopotamian civilization divided the starry sky into several regions, each of which is a constellation. It is difficult to say exactly when humans began to have the concept of constellations. This kind of astronomical knowledge has been understood by people, long before historical records. The names of constellations are likely to come from sailors who discovered them. In civilizations in different regions, the origin of constellations may be completely different, but with the expansion and interaction of civilizations, the culture of constellations also includes the process of integration.

In ancient times, the rise and fall of stars or constellations were often used for navigation and time determination. Ancient Egypt determined the beginning of the year by observing the sunrise of Sirius; Some ancient star locations are still determined by observation technology. Constellations and their literary images often appear in the works of literati.

Although the importance of constellations has relatively reduced in modern times, for astronomers, constellations have not lost their charm. Through their fascinating legends, constellations have played an extremely important role in the popularization of astronomy. Whenever significant celestial phenomena occur, astronomers, science popularization workers and the media will always set off an astronomical upsurge in society, especially among young people.