A famous person once said: "The purpose of reading is not itself, but to obtain a kind of wisdom of life that can be obtained through careful observation and experience. University education can not only bring us knowledge, but also teach us how to be a human being.
Graduation from college means the end of a stage and the beginning of a new stage. Different universities have different educational philosophies, let's take a look at the world famous universities.
1. Harvard University
Harvard University was formerly known as Harvard College. One of the first private universities. A comprehensive university focusing on cultivating graduate students and engaging in scientific research. Headquartered in Cambridge, Boston. Successive presidents have adhered to the 3A principles, namely academic freedom, academic autonomy and academic neutrality (the first letter of the English word for these three principles is A). In the rankings provided by the world's major newspapers and research institutions, Harvard University is often ranked first in the world.
2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a comprehensive private university in the United States and has the reputation of "the most technological university in the world". Located in Boston, Massachusetts, it is separated from Boston's Back Bay by the Charles River. Today, MIT has a very important influence both in the United States and the world, and has cultivated many people who have had a significant impact on the world. It is a pioneering and leading university in global high-tech and advanced research, and it is also the seat of the world's science and engineering elites. MIT is the most prestigious science and engineering university in the world today, and "the most prestigious school in the United States" by the New York Times.
3. Cambridge University
Cambridge University was founded in 1209 by a group of academics who had fled Oxford University to avoid a fight. The University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford are named two of the best universities in the UK, collectively known as "Oxbridge" and one of the top ten universities in the world.