Hydrangea macrophylla
2022-04-20 17:33:28

Hydrangea flowers are large and beautiful, and their colors can be red or blue, which is pleasing to the eye and is a common potted ornamental flower and tree.

Hydrangea is a flower species that must be raised by flower lovers. There are many varieties and colors. People who like to keep them will choose to keep multiple varieties, and then they can continue to grow at home. flowering.

If you like to grow hydrangeas, keep in mind the 4 common varieties and let them bloom in your garden.

1. Bigleaf Hydrangea

Most of the ones we see in the market are Bigleaf Hydrangea, including the ones we bought online that have beautiful colors and large blooming bulbs, which are also Bigleaf Hydrangea.

Bigleaf Hydrangea blooms in spring from April to May. As the temperature rises in spring, it will begin to grow when the temperature is around ten degrees.

As long as the nutrients are sufficient, it can bloom, and the buds are larger, darker, and lasts longer.

2. Endless Summer Hydrangea

Endless Summer is a relatively unique variety of hydrangea. Its unique feature is that it can bloom continuously throughout the year. As the branches grow, buds will gradually grow at the top.

3. Hydrangea paniculata Sieb.

Hydrangea paniculata Sieb is a relatively cold-hardy variety that can tolerate temperatures as low as minus 30 degrees. About June, buds will form from the top of the branches, and after the flowers bloom, they can continue to bloom until the end of autumn, and some varieties have the same color when they bloom in summer, and can also change color in autumn, which is very individual.

4. Viburnum macrocephalum Fortune

They are all white in bloom When they first bloom. Viburnum macrocephalum Fortune are green, and gradually turn white. They are very beautiful. The flower bulbs are also very large, and the amount of flowering is very large, which can grow into a shrub.

Viburnum macrocephalum Fortune is easy to grow and has strong cold resistance. It is very beautiful to cultivate in the garden in the open air.

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