Watching a total solar eclipse for the first time is an experience we will never forget.
The sky turns dark, the sun is covered by the moon, and the world becomes eerily quiet.
But with the excitement comes the challenge of fully absorbing this moment in time. Totality only lasts for a couple of minutes, so how do we make those precious moments count? Let's dive into some essential tips to make the most of this rare event!
1. Get to the Path of Totality!
The most important thing we can do is ensure we're in the right place—within the path of totality. A 99% eclipse is still a partial eclipse, and we want to experience the full magic of the event. As Mike Kentrianakis, an expert astronomer, suggests, simply being in the path guarantees that we'll witness the full eclipse, even if it's only for a minute. And trust us, that minute will be unforgettable!
2. Know What Kind of Experience You Want
Are we hoping to experience the eclipse with a crowd, or would we rather be in a quiet, personal moment of reflection? The total solar eclipse can be as social or as introspective as we wish. Some people find it meaningful to be with others, while others may want to experience the awe of the event in solitude. Whatever we decide, it's best to plan ahead!
3. Don't Try to Photograph Totality
We've all been there—wanting to capture a special moment. However, totality is far too fleeting to be captured by a camera. The eclipse will overwhelm our senses in ways no photograph can replicate: the eerie silence, the sudden temperature drop, the celestial colors, and even the winds shifting. According to eclipse enthusiasts, focusing on the experience itself is the most rewarding way to engage with the moment.
4. Set Up a Camera to Capture the Crowd
If we do want to capture something, consider recording the reactions of the people around us. Video footage can be a fun keepsake, filled with the gasps and cheers of fellow eclipse-watchers as the sky darkens. It's the collective joy of the moment, not just the visual aspect, that makes it so special.
5. Remember to Remove Your Glasses During Totality!
During the partial phases of the eclipse, we have to keep those protective glasses on, but during totality, it's safe to look directly at the sun. If we forget to take off our glasses, we won't see anything—just darkness! The brief moment of totality is the one time we can look up and fully experience the sun's corona.
6. Binoculars Will Enhance Your View
Want to see more than just the black disc of the moon? Binoculars will help us get an up-close view of the solar corona, which radiates out like delicate petals. We might even catch a glimpse of prominences—plasma filaments that extend from the sun's atmosphere. Binoculars provide an enhanced experience of this magnificent event.
7. Make a List of Things to Look For
Totality is full of fascinating details we don't want to miss. Consider making a checklist of phenomena to spot, like Baily's beads (the last beads of sunlight peeking through the moon's valleys), the 360-degree sunset effect, and visible stars like Mercury and Mars. It's a lot to take in, so having a list helps us stay on track!
8. Stay After Totality Ends
Even after totality passes, there's still a lot to see. The last phases of the eclipse, like the diamond ring effect and Baily's beads, will repeat after totality. Stay a bit longer to witness the full cycle of the eclipse—these moments are just as awe-inspiring as the first!
Experiencing a total solar eclipse is one of the most memorable events in our lifetime.
By following these tips, we can ensure that we don't just witness the eclipse, but truly experience it. Let's embrace the moment, and, most importantly, let's enjoy the ride!
Get ready for the total solar eclipse: Here's what to expect | CNBC
Video by CNBC