Many animals active at night are categorized as either nocturnal or crepuscular.
Nocturnal creatures come alive after sunset and remain active throughout the night, with intermittent naps. Crepuscular animals have two peak activity periods: at dawn and dusk.
They are typically active before sunset, sleep through the night, and then become active again just before sunrise.
Nocturnal Pets
1. Hedgehog
Hedgehogs are solitary animals that explore and forage mainly during the evening. They require a warm retreat area, usually with a night heat source. These nocturnal creatures are generally quiet but need a warm spot, potentially staying there throughout the day.
2. Rat
Rats are social creatures, preferring night-time activity but willing to adjust their schedule for human interaction. They are most active in the evening, throughout the night, and in the early morning. Rats enjoy playing in groups, climbing, and using running wheels, so placing their cage outside the bedroom is recommended.
3. Hamster
Hamsters are nocturnal and are best suited for households with late-night activity. They tend to be noisy, running on wheels and chewing loudly. It is advisable to place their cages away from sleeping areas and in quieter spots during the day. Hamsters can be quite grumpy if disturbed from their sleep.
4. Sugar Glider
Sugar gliders are strictly nocturnal, spending their nights gliding, foraging, and playing. They require a warm section in their cage and can be entertained by hunting for hidden food. While they are not very noisy, sugar gliders have a distinct smell, so placing their cage in a quiet part of the house may be ideal.
5. Mouse
Mice are active at night, engaging in running, chewing, and scratching. They are best kept in similar groups but can create some noise with their play and squeaks. For a peaceful sleep, it is recommended to keep their cage away from sleeping areas.
Crepuscular Pets
1. Chinchilla
Chinchillas are crepuscular, preferring activity during the early evening and morning. They enjoy spending time with their owners before bedtime and in the morning. These small rodents can be noisy and active overnight, requiring ample space for climbing, jumping, and running.
2. Cat
Cats are flexible with schedules, adapting well to busy households. They may wake up during the night for snacks, play, or attention.
As crepuscular animals, cats may seek interaction at night, accompanying their owners and displaying normal behaviors like trying to wake them up for food.
3. Leopard Gecko
Leopard geckos are compact reptiles that are active during the evening and early mornings, occasionally being awake overnight and during the day. Their nighttime activities are usually quiet, allowing their enclosure to stay near sleeping areas, although their lighting needs might disturb some individuals at night.
When Animals Are Active, Diurnal, Crepuscular, How It All Works
Video By Ranger Planet