Try This Recipe
2022-12-23 13:10:33

Banana is a common and relatively inexpensive fruit, but it is rich in nutrients. Bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium, and potassium prevents blood pressure from rising, making them a great choice for people with high blood pressure.

Bananas are easy to digest and absorb and are suitable for both young and old. If you don't like its taste, you can also make it into a milkshake and drink it.

Ingredients: banana, milk 150ml.


1. Peel the banana, cut it into small pieces, and put it into the juicer.

2. Put the fresh milk in the refrigerator and pour it into the juicer or shaker.

3. Start the juicer and squeeze the juice with a little pressure, don't squeeze the juice continuously for too long.

4. See that there are no chunks of banana in the cup, and the liquid becomes thick enough to pour out and eat in a glass.

Banana shake is rich in protein, carbohydrates, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, vitamin C and many other nutrients.

Bananas are known as the "fruit of wisdom" and contain almost all vitamins and minerals, so it is easy to get a wide range of nutrients from bananas. They are also very well digested and absorbed, and together with milk, children can drink them for educational purposes, which is good for brain development and bone growth.

In addition to this, eating bananas also have unexpected benefits.

1. Prevent high blood pressure

Eating bananas often can prevent high blood pressure, because bananas can provide more potassium ions that can lower blood pressure, and have the effect of lowering sodium ions to raise pressure and damage blood vessels.

2. Prevent fatigue and prolong the life

Bananas contain a variety of nutrients, and low sodium content, no cholesterol, after eating can supply the body with a variety of nutrients, but will not make people fat. Therefore, bananas are good for the brain and prevent neurological fatigue, especially for the elderly.

3. Prevention and control of stomach ulcer

According to the results of modern scientific tests, eating bananas has the effect of stimulating the growth of gastric mucous membrane cells, so that the gastric wall is protected, which in turn plays a role in preventing and treating gastric ulcers.

4. Prevent constipation

The food fiber contained in bananas can stimulate the peristalsis of the large intestine and make the stool flow smoothly, so it can prevent and treat habitual constipation.

5. Provide calories for the body

Bananas contain a high amount of sugar, which can be converted into calories in the body, so it is a good supplement for the body.

6. Prevent insomnia

Insomniacs can easily fall asleep if they eat bananas before bed because bananas are high in sugar and carbohydrates can increase the vitality of the 5-hydroxytryptamine chemical in the brain, which can make people fall asleep.

Here are some more precautions.

1. Bananas are sweet and cold and have a high medicinal value. The main function is to clear the stomach and intestines, cure constipation, and has the effect of clearing heat and moistening the lungs, stop irritation and thirst, fill the essence and relieve alcohol poisoning. Because of the cold nature of bananas, so the spleen and stomach are cold, and stomach pain, diarrhea should eat less, too much stomach acid is best not to eat.

2. When measuring indole or catecholamine in urine, bananas should not be eaten.

3. Bananas belong to tropical fruits, the suitable storage temperature is 11~18 degrees, and the longest storage time is 13 degrees in general, which cannot be kept in the refrigerator.