The Soul In Baseball
2022-12-31 14:30:04

In a baseball game, the main task of a pitcher is to stand on the mound and throw the ball to the batter.

And the pitched ball will greatly affect the direction, height, and position of the batter's hit, which is determining the chance of the batter to score on the base.

In other words, the success or failure of the team is largely swayed by the pitcher.

The importance of the pitcher has been emphasized.

As such a central role, the demands on the corresponding physical ability, reflexes, and the ability to analyze situations will be relatively more demanding.

1. Control

The most important thing for a pitcher whose central duty is to throw the ball is pitch control.

A pitcher with great control can throw the ball into the edge of the strike zone so that the batter cannot hit the pitch or hit the ball out of the park.

After three pitches for strikes, or after a batter swing, the batter is out.

Pitchers who do not have control of the ball tend to throw the ball outside the strike zone.

The pitch is thrown too hard and touches the ground in front of the home plate or even hits the batter, resulting in a touchdown ball.

2. Shoulder Strength

Baseball players have one of the longest careers of any athlete. Most can reach the age of thirty to forty.

What ends the careers of the vast majority of baseball pitchers is an injured shoulder.

In a game, a pitcher has to throw hundreds of pitches, and sometimes more than one game a day.

Such intense training and competition are highly susceptible to chronic shoulder injuries.

3. Mental and mental coordination

In a game, the pitcher needs to make a judgment based on the number and location of base runners on the bases.

The current batter's batting preference etc. makes a judgment on whether to pitch or pass the ball to the infield keeper on the base, which requires quick reaction and observation skills.

Also, in a fierce confrontation between a pitcher and a batter.

If there are two strikes, three bad pitches, or many bad pitches in an inning, this is often a time when the pitcher needs the strong mental ability to adjust to the situation and save it in time.

The role of the pitcher is very important in baseball.

When the combined level of the two teams is close, the pitcher can play 60-70% of the role.

When the two teams are far apart in hitting, the pitcher can play 80-90% of the role.

A team must have a diverse group of pitchers to improve the winning percentage throughout the league or season.

The pitcher's first and primary task is to throw the ball well, and every offensive and defensive act in baseball begins with the pitcher throwing the ball.

Only the pitcher has active, direct control over the batter.

No matter how fast a pitcher is, if he only throws a fast line drive, he will never be able to effectively suppress a batter.

Therefore, it is necessary to master at least 1-2 types of changeups to weaken the hitters' ability to hit the ball more effectively.

All good pitchers are developed from youth. If you love the game of baseball, it's not too late. Take the time to practice.