Delicious Fruit
2022-12-28 11:56:12

Plums are plants of the rose family and plum genus. The tree is about 9-12 m tall. The crown of the tree is broadly rounded, and the bark is grayish-brown and undulating.

Old branches are purplish-brown or reddish-brown. It is flowering in April and has fruit from July to August.

Plums are found all over the world. Born at an altitude of 400-2600 meters in the hillside thicket, valley sparse forest or water, gully bottom, roadside, etc.

It has a strong adaptability to the climate. As long as the soil layer is deep, there is a certain fertility. No matter what kind of soil it can grow.

It is suitable to grow in a place with loose soil, good air permeability, and drainage.

Plum branches are reddish brown and smooth. The leaves are red from spring to autumn. The flowers are small, white, or pink.

It tastes sweet and sour. As a fruit, the plum is also one of the most important fruit trees in the temperate zone.

Plums contain carotenoid pigments such as beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin, and neoxanthin. And it contains vitamin A. It has the effect of strengthening the stomach and relieving cough and detumescence.

1. Strengthen the stomach and digestion. Plum acid can promote the secretion of stomach acid and gastric digestive enzymes, and can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis.

Thus it has the effect of improving appetite and promoting digestion. It is especially effective for those with stomach acid deficiency.

2. Cough relief. It contains amygdalin and a lot of fat oil, which is beneficial to health. And can accelerate intestinal peristalsis.

3. Diuretic. Amino acids such as serine, glycine, proline, and glutamine in fresh plum have diuretic and detumescence effects.

But be careful not to eat too many plums for several reasons:

1. Acid reflux. Plums have a sweet and sour taste, and when eaten in moderation can help improve digestion. If you eat too much at one time, it will lead to excessive secretion of stomach acid, causing people to have an acid reflux phenomenon.

2. Bad for the spleen and stomach. Plums taste sour. Eating too many a lot of plums may lead to a spleen and stomach uncomfortable.

3. Stomach pain. If you eat too much at one time, the gastric mucosa can be overstimulated. Cause it to have an abnormal spasm and then cause stomach pain.