It has been proven that if you can't keep up with your food, your training will be useless in many cases. This shows that "eating" is very important to the gym goer!
Principles of fitness diet:
1. The purpose of the diet is to provide nutrition and exercise.
2. Ensure a balanced intake of nutrients.
3. Give preference to foods that are lower in calories and higher in nutrients.
4. Consume more nutrients with less food.
5. Stick to a varied diet of fruits and vegetables.
6. Avoid fussy eating.
7. Eat less food that has been salted, smoked, sun-dried, or baked.
8. Correct unscientific cooking methods to minimize nutritional loss.
After reading all these dietary principles, how should you eat?
When you wake up early in the morning, your anabolism is weakest and your catabolism is strongest. These are important because, in the US, people consume more protein at lunch and dinner and very little at breakfast.
However, studies have found that at least 30-40g of protein is needed to initiate muscle protein synthesis in the body. For many people, the protein they consume at breakfast is not enough. So, if you're still eating as you did before, you'll still be in a catabolic state.
Protein anabolic benefits aside, studies have found that consuming more protein at breakfast results in a higher sense of satiety throughout the day and burning more fat. This is also why protein powder should be taken once half an hour after waking up.
For breakfast, the quality of carbohydrates should be much greater than the amount. You can consume fast-absorbing carbohydrates consisting of sugar, starch, and flour or slow-absorbing carbohydrates such as oats.
However, studies have found that people who consume slow carbohydrates burn 2-3 times more fat than those who consume fast carbohydrates, and these people also feel fuller throughout the day!
People who consume fast carbohydrates are likely to consume more fat and junk food throughout the day.
Conventional wisdom says it is better to consume less fat at breakfast, but the results of this experiment can shock you.
Researchers at the University of Alabama recruited two groups of subjects, with Group A having 45% fat and 35% carbohydrate for breakfast each day and Group B having 10% fat and 70% carbohydrate.
12 weeks later, Group A consumed more fat and calories throughout the day than Group B. Shocked, right?
Because breakfast determines your metabolism throughout the day. A higher fat and lower carbohydrate intake at breakfast will allow you to burn more fat!