Many of us love spending time with our pets, but did you know it can actually boost your mental health?
Whether you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, interacting with animals can help lift your mood, ease tension, and make you feel more refreshed.
In this article, we’ll explore how spending time with a furry companion can positively impact your health and well-being.
Pets bring happiness, comfort, and a sense of calm. They can elevate our mood, reduce feelings of loneliness, and combat sadness. A 2014 study by the Human Animal Bond Research Initiative Foundation found that 75% of doctors noticed improvements in their patients' overall health after they got a pet. But how exactly do animals help improve mental health? Let’s take a closer look at the benefits.
1. They Give Us a Sense of Purpose
Having a pet requires us to be responsible for their care, which can give us a sense of purpose. Knowing that an animal depends on us for food, exercise, and affection can make us feel needed and loved. This boost in self-esteem can help improve our mood and reduce the risk of mental health issues.
2. They Keep Us Active
Pets, especially dogs, encourage us to stay active. Daily walks and playtime mean that owners are regularly moving, which benefits both physical and mental health. A Japanese study found that dog owners are more physically active than non-pet owners and are 1.5 times more likely to meet recommended physical activity guidelines. Exercise releases endorphins, which reduce anxiety and improve sleep, leaving you feeling more positive and energized.
3. They Help Maintain a Routine
Pets thrive on a schedule. Whether you're feeling down or stressed, your pet still needs to be fed, exercised, and cared for. This structure can help you stay motivated, keep your mind occupied, and reduce feelings of anxiety by providing a sense of normalcy and responsibility during tough times.
4. They Foster Positive Emotions
The emotional bond we form with our pets is deeply fulfilling. The act of caring for them reduces loneliness and boosts our emotional state. Animals offer unconditional love, providing companionship that helps us feel valued and supported. After a long day, coming home to a pet that greets you with affection can be incredibly comforting and rewarding.
5. They Build Human Connections
Pets can also facilitate human connections. For example, taking your dog for a walk can open the door to meeting other pet owners and forming new friendships. These social connections are essential for maintaining mental health, as they can create a supportive community and decrease isolation.
6. They Reduce Stress
You don't even need to own a pet to enjoy the mental health benefits of being around animals. A study by Washington State University showed that just 10 minutes of interacting with cats and dogs led to a noticeable reduction in cortisol levels, a major stress hormone. Petting animals can also boost serotonin and dopamine, which help to keep you calm and relaxed.
Ready for a Pet?
If you're considering adopting a pet, do some research to ensure you choose the right animal for your lifestyle. If you're not ready to commit, spending time with friends or family who have pets, visiting local parks, or even going to a zoo can also offer the same stress-relieving benefits. By interacting with animals, you can reduce stress, ease anxiety, and improve your overall outlook on life.
Discover the Mental Health Benefits of Spending Time with Animals
The video by Thrive Healthy