When you think of aloe vera gel, you might associate it with soothing sunburns and beach days.
Known for centuries as a natural remedy, aloe vera has been used for everything from skin hydration to medicinal purposes.
Aloe vera is a versatile plant commonly found in health care products. It produces two main substances: a yellow latex and a clear gel. In the past, doctors recommended aloe latex as a remedy for constipation. However, due to evidence suggesting potential harm to the kidneys, it is no longer advised as a laxative. The clear gel, on the other hand, is widely used in ointments, creams, and gels to treat sunburns, reduce acne, and soothe conditions like psoriasis.
Benefits of Aloe Vera
Aloe vera gel offers a range of benefits beyond just moisturizing the skin. Here are some of the key uses:
Frostbite: Aloe vera gel can aid skin recovery in both hot and cold climates. If you have mild frostbite, it may help promote tissue regrowth and speed up healing.
Cold Sores: Aloe vera gel can soothe the pain of cold sores. Applying it several times a day can reduce discomfort and encourage faster skin cell regeneration to shorten the infection's duration.
Psoriasis: Aloe vera can help alleviate the red, scaly patches and itching caused by psoriasis. Doctors often recommend using products with at least 0.5% aloe vera to provide relief.
Blood Sugar Levels: For those with diabetes or high blood sugar, consuming aloe vera juice may assist in balancing blood glucose levels.
Lichen Planus: Applying aloe vera gel twice a day for two months may reduce symptoms of lichen planus, an inflammatory condition affecting the mouth.
Aloe Vera Benefits for Skin
Aloe vera’s benefits go well beyond sunburn relief:
Healing Wounds: Aloe vera boosts collagen production in wounds and scars, helping skin heal faster.
Protection Against Skin Cancer: Aloe vera may offer some protection against UV and gamma radiation damage. However, it is not a substitute for sunscreen.
Anti-Aging Effects: Aloe vera's humectants bind moisture to the skin, stimulating collagen and elastin production. This helps improve skin elasticity, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Safety and Potential Side Effects
While aloe vera is generally safe for topical use, using too much can have drawbacks. Aloe contains enzymes that exfoliate the skin, so excessive use may lead to dryness or excessive oiliness.
Can I use Aloe Vera Gel as a Moisturizer?
The video by Melissa Van Dijk