2022-12-16 09:27:47

It is well known that the benefits of exercise for human beings are very great.

1. Weight control. The exercise process for energy consumption is relatively high and can make fat burning accelerated, to achieve the effect of weight control.

2. Increased lung capacity. The oxygen demand is greater when exercising. Need to breathe deeply and then exhale as much as possible, to increase lung capacity.

3. Accelerate body metabolism. When you play sports, you can transport oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body, so that the body can work more efficiently.

4. Improve sleep: Regular exercise can make the quality of sleep better, usually because the exercise can consume energy, but try to avoid bedtime exercise, so as not to over-excite the nerves.

Of course, the exercise to be appropriate according to personal physical condition physical exercise, to avoid damage to the body due to excessive exercise intensity. And pay attention to diet and balanced nutrition.

Before exercise, pay attention to the warm-up. Warm-ups can fully mobilize the vitality of the motor system, and increase muscle flexibility, to avoid muscle strains during exercise.

In addition, warm-up exercises can consume some sugar, so you can accelerate the burning of fat in the formal exercise process, increasing the weight loss effect. Warm-up exercises have several focuses such as:

1. Warm-up exercises to stretch.

2. Warm-up exercise time is not too short, each hour of formal exercise requires at least more than ten minutes of warm-up.

3. The content should be targeted. Before exercise think about your exercise plan. After doing a complete warm-up, you need to strengthen the warm-up of the next parts that will be trained.

Also, be careful not to wear jewelry when exercising. Wear athletic shoes and sportswear. It is best to exercise with your partner to prevent accidents. If you are accidentally injured, you must be the first to deal with it.

The presence of internal injuries such as contusions, muscle strains, joint sprains, bursitis, tendonitis, etc. within 24 hours is generally treated with cold compresses, pressure bandages, and elevation of the injured limb.

After 48 hours, once the local bleeding and swelling have stopped, massage and physiotherapy can be applied. At this moment, massage, physical therapy, or dressing treatment can be carried out to gradually restore the function of the injured part.

The injured area is largely healed, and non-impact general exercises can be performed with increased protection until safe healing occurs.

When muscle spasm occurs, a common method of relief is to lengthen the spastic muscle.

This is also combined with local massage and other methods to promote relief. In a strenuous race, if you stop running or even stop, you may experience sore and weak legs, a pale face, blackness in front of the eyes, ringing in the ears, etc.

In severe cases, you may experience fainting, etc. You can relax and organize by walking slowly, moving joints, pulling, shaking, and massaging.