The dragon fruit is a plant of the cactus family. It is distributed from Central America to northern South America and is widely cultivated throughout the world.
It originates from Ecuador, Cuba, Colombia, and other places in Central America. It was later introduced to Vietnam, Thailand, and other Southeast Asian countries.
Dragon fruit has a high nutritional value. It combines the advantages of fruit, flower buds, vegetables, and medicine. It is not only nutritious but also has few pests and diseases.
It can grow generally without using almost any pesticides. Dragon fruit is a kind of environmental protection with specific healing effects in food.
Rich in pulp fiber, rich in carotene, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B12, C, etc.. The core of the fruit is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, and other minerals and various enzymes, albumin, fiber, and a high concentration of natural pigments anthocyanin.
Dragon fruit has only one drawback, it is not unpleasant and can even be called delicious, but it has no flavor. It contains neither organic acids nor esters of aromatic factors.
The results of modern scientific research and analysis show that dragon fruit is a low-energy fruit with many beneficial ingredients for humans. More elements promote health, beauty, disease prevention, and strengthening.
1. Prevent blood vessel hardening. Dragon fruit has a high content of anthocyanins, especially the red-fleshed variety.
Anthocyanin is a potent antioxidant that can effectively prevent the hardening of blood vessels, which can prevent heart attacks and strokes caused by blood clot formation. It also fights free radicals and is effective against aging.
2. Detoxification and stomach protection. Dragon fruit is rich in general fruits and vegetables in a lesser amount of phytoalbumin.
3. Weight loss. Dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C and weight loss, lower blood sugar, laxative, colon cancer prevention of soluble dietary fiber.
4. Prevention of anemia. Dragon fruit in the iron content is higher than the general fruit, iron is the manufacture of hemoglobin and other iron substances indispensable elements, and the intake of the right amount of iron can also prevent anemia.
However, dragon fruit has the side effect of elevated blood sugar, and if overeaten may cause the danger of diarrhea. If you eat more at once, it may cause a rise in blood sugar.
If the gastrointestinal function is not very good, eating a refrigerator out of chilled dragon fruit may cause some stimulation of the gastric mucosa, phenomenon of diarrhea, and severe cases will also appear in abdominal pain. So be sure to control the intake and try not to overeat.