House Paint
2022-12-17 20:57:27

paintwork is important as it determines the beauty of the new house.

1. The purpose of eradicating the original building's common plaster white wall is to prevent the chalking of the underlying common large white layer at a later stage, carrying with it the cracking of the surface layer.

There are too many examples of large areas cracking at a later stage due to poor quality of the underlying whitewash, and the trouble caused to everyone is very great.

This kind of repair is basically the whole house white all eradicated, all redone. In addition, it is easy to find some problems with the original building after the whitewash has been removed. The strength of the cement plaster layer, cracks and so on, so that it needs timely processing.

2. Brush the wall once, its role is to resist alkali and increase the adhesion of subsequent materials to the wall.

3. Scrape the plaster putty, use the corner guards and partial wlevelingling for all the corners of the house. This materialcharacterizedised by its hardness and good adhesion and can be used to increase the thickness of the plaster to facilitate wlevelingling.

4. Scrape and sand the putty to create a smooth base. Each coat of putty must be dry before the next coat can be applied.

It is recommended to choose a finished putty, which can be used directly with water without adding glue and has a high environmental protection factor.

There are many other surface materials such as wallpaper, wall coverings, and special wall art treatments, but the cost is relatively higher than for wall paint.

Wall paint construction needs to pay attention to some of the following issues.

The grassroots treatment of the wall is crucial: the grassroots cement layer should be brushed with wall solid, mainly to enhance the adhesion of the putty layer, the wall will not be prone to problems at that time.

The putty layer should be made flat, preferably with a finished water-resistant putty that cannot be oiled (otherwise it cannot be adhered to) and with an alkaline-resistant primer (otherwise the alkalinity is too great and will lead to damage to the paint film, which will chalk the wall)

2. product selection: For home furnishing, if you live in this house, the first priority is environmental protection, followed by performance. Latex paint area is large, and the use of more, if paint is bad, it will cause indoor air pollution.

3. The use of primer: general wall practice is one primer, and two top coats). The use of primer has several benefits.

A good primer is alkaline resistant and can prevent alkaline substances from seeping out of the wall, protecting the quality of the wall and extending the life of the top coat.

The primer can increase the painting area of the top coat. If the top coat is painted directly without the primer, the painting area will be about 20% smaller than the area painted with the primer.