World Cycling Day
2024-12-25 09:09:02

Today's young people are by no means unfamiliar with pedaling bicycles, many cities are not difficult to find places to pedal with friends, cycling enthusiasts, and even pedal bicycle travel to see the world.

1. History of cycling

The history of cycling can be traced back to the early 19th century when people began to use cycling to replace walking, providing people with a convenient, fast, affordable, and environmentally friendly way of transportation.

2. What are the benefits of cycling for the body?

a. Aerobic exercise

Cycling is an aerobic exercise that can enhance cardiorespiratory function and increase the metabolic rate of your body.

When you pedal a bicycle, you can increase the efficiency of your heart and lungs to function, improve blood circulation, and enhance endurance, and the overall health of your body.

b. Healthy weight management

Cycling is a very effective exercise for burning calories and can help you control your weight.

Depending on the intensity and length of time, you can burn a lot of calories and promote fat burning, thus reducing the accumulation of body fat and maintaining a healthy weight.

c. Strong muscles and bones

Pedaling is a full-body exercise, especially for the lower body muscles and core muscles is effective.

You need to pedal hard, and this action can strengthen the muscles of the thighs, calves, and buttocks.

At the same time, pedaling a bicycle can also increase the density of bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

d. Improve coordination and balance

Cycling is an exercise that requires balance and coordination, which can improve coordination and balance, helping to reduce the risk of falls and injuries.

3. What need to pay attention to and must carry for cycling commuting?

a. Safety first

Remember to obey traffic rules, respect other road users and pay attention to the safety of others, and be especially careful and control your speed at road intersections and turns.

b. Pay attention to road conditions

Before pedaling the bike, make sure the brakes, gears, and other parts are functioning properly. Pay attention to the road surface, especially potholes on the road, etc., to avoid accidents.

c.Pay attention to the weather

The weather in many cities is highly variable and sometimes it can rain heavily and have strong winds. Remember to check the weather forecast before going out, and do not pedal a bicycle to travel when there is bad weather.

d. Wear a helmet

In a large study, cycling helmets can reduce the risk of serious head injuries in accidents by 69%.

In addition to allowing you to enjoy the outdoors, cycling can also improve your physical and mental health.

Let's make cycling our way of life and add a little fun and energy to it!