Biscuits And Milk
2022-12-05 19:49:47

Cookies are a delicious snack that we need in our lives.

The market for cookies is full of different kinds of cookies, and there are so many different kinds of cookies that you can see all of them, but do you really know all the types of cookies?

Let us take you on a tour of the cookies next.

First of all, we need to understand the practice of cookies, mainly wheat flour as the main raw material, adding (or not adding) sugar, grease, and other raw materials, by blending (or pasting), molding, baking (or frying) and other processes made by the taste of crispy and delicious food.

Crispy cookies: wheat flour, sugar, and oil as the main raw material adding bulking agents and other auxiliary ingredients.

By the cold process of blending, rolling or not, molding, and baking made of the surface pattern is mostly convex flowers, a cross-sectional structure is a porous organization.

The taste of crispy or crunchy cookies.

Tough cookie: Wheat flour, sugar (or no sugar), grease as the main raw material, adding bulking agent, improver, and other auxiliary ingredients.

The surface pattern is a concave pattern, with a smooth appearance, a flat surface generally has a pinhole, and the cross-section has layers, a crisp texture cookie.

Fermented cookies: Wheat flour, grease as the main raw material, yeast as the bulking agent, adding various auxiliary ingredients, through blending, fermentation, rolling, stacking, molding, and baking made crispy or crunchy, with the unique flavor of fermented products cookies.

Compressed cookies: wheat flour, sugar, grease, and dairy products as the main raw material, add other auxiliary ingredients, by the cold powder process of blending, roller printing, and baking into the embryo.

And then crushed, add grease, sugar, and nutritional fortification or then add other dried fruits, meat pine, dairy products, etc., mixed, compressed cookies.

Cookies: Wheat flour, sugar, syrup, grease, and dairy products as the main raw materials, adding bulking agents and other auxiliary ingredients, by the cold powder process, blending, extrusion or extrusion, wire cutting or roller printing methods in one of the forms of molding, baking made of three-dimensional pattern or regular surface ripples of the cookie.

Sandwich cookie (or injection cookie): cookies made by adding sugar, grease, dairy products, chocolate sauce, various compound sauces or jams, and other sandwich materials between single pieces of cookies (or the hollow part of cookies).

Wafer cookies: Two or more layers of cookies made of wheat flour (or glutinous rice flour) and starch as the main raw materials, with emulsifiers, bulking agents, and other auxiliary ingredients, which are blended, poured and baked into porous pieces, usually with sugar, grease and other sandwich ingredients added between the pieces.

It is the habit of many office workers to get up in the morning and drink a glass of milk and go out in a hurry.

Experts remind us that it is best to drink milk with some staple foods, such as bread, cookies, cereals, etc., so as to replenish enough carbohydrates.

Milk contains less sugar, and sugar is an important source of energy for the body.

If you drink only milk for breakfast and do not eat staple foods, you will not be able to get enough sugar as energy, forcing the body to take protein from milk instead of sugar as energy supply, which is originally used to supplement protein consumption in human tissues, which results in a waste of protein.

Therefore, it is best to drink milk with staple food, such as bread, cakes, cookies, etc., or add some cereal to the milk.

Milk can be consumed in any season.

In summer, the high temperature causes the body to sweat a lot, resulting in the loss of calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and other minerals in the body, and milk is a good source of calcium supplementation, which can well relieve the body of calcium deficiency.

While in the higher temperature environment, the body's physical energy consumption also increases, the protein and fat contained in milk can play a certain role in protein and energy supplementation.