Best Sections to Visit
Beijing serves as the main gateway to the Great Wall, offering access to several iconic sections such as Badaling, Mutianyu, Jinshanling, Juyongguan, Gubeikou, and Jiankou.
These sections, built during the Ming dynasty (14th–17th centuries), are well-preserved and showcase the Wall’s grandeur.
Badaling Great Wall
Badaling is the most renowned section and a top choice for large tour groups, making it often crowded. Juyongguan, nearby, boasts one of the three great mountain passes of the Wall but tends to draw similar crowds.
Mutianyu Great Wall
This section offers equally stunning views but with fewer visitors. It also features a thrilling toboggan ride from the top of the Wall to the base of the hill, making it a preferred destination.
Jinshanling Great Wall
Located about 150 km northeast of Beijing, Jinshanling requires a two-and-a-half-hour drive but rewards visitors with breathtaking views. This section is ideal for a full-day tour.
Gubeikou and Jiankou Great Wall
Both are suitable for adventurous day tours. These sections are unrestored since their original construction, providing an authentic hiking experience. Jiankou, however, involves steep and challenging climbs, recommended only for experienced hikers.
Other notable sections include Huanghuacheng, Simatai, and Shanhaiguan. These are great options for second-time visitors or multi-day explorations.
Great Wall Hiking and Camping
The Wall’s mountainous terrain offers varied hiking experiences. Most sections, even well-restored ones, involve uneven stairs and steep climbs.
Moderate Hikes
Mutianyu and Jinshanling are excellent for medium-difficulty hikes, combining safety with stunning views.
Advanced Hikes
Dear Lykkers, unrestored sections such as Gubeikou to Jinshanling provide adventurous routes but include steep climbs and loose bricks, requiring caution.
Camping on the Wall
Camping is generally prohibited, especially on restored sections. However, guided experiences at Gubeikou allow overnight stays in a watchtower, offering mesmerizing sunrise and sunset views.
Best Time to Visit
Spring (April–June) and fall (October–early November) are ideal due to comfortable temperatures and vibrant scenery.
Late April to early May features blossoming trees, creating picturesque landscapes.
October and early November offer cooler weather and colorful autumn foliage.
From December to February, fewer tourists visit, but cold and windy conditions should be anticipated.
Seasons to Avoid
July and August are hot and humid, while national holidays like National Day and Spring Festival attract heavy crowds. Wet or snowy conditions can also make the Wall slippery, so caution is advised.
Exploring the Great Wall promises unforgettable experiences. Whether seeking scenic vistas or adventurous hikes, there’s a perfect section to discover.