A Fierce Herbivore
2022-12-06 21:55:09

Rhinoceros is the class Mammalia, the rhinoceros family general name, and is the world's largest ungula animal. Rhinoceros have short legs and are clumsy.

Rhinos live in the lowlands or the highlands at altitudes of more than 2,000 meters. They are nocturnal, most are solitary, and a few live in small groups. They live near water sources. They eat mainly grass, but also leaves, wild fruit, and lichen. Rhinoceros are found in southern Asia, Southeast Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa.

Some say the rhinoceros is the world's largest land mammal. The largest land mammal was the giant rhinoceros, a sturdy and tall animal, about 8 meters long and 5 meters tall. But while giant rhinoceros and rhinoceros belong to the same order, they are not part of the Rhinoceros family. In the late Miocene epoch, the ancestor of the one-horned rhinoceros appeared.

The only remaining one-horned rhinos are the Javan rhino and the Indian rhino, both of which are found in Asia. Rhinos that emerged after the Miocene were similar in size to modern rhinos. Among them was a rhinoceros with a lower lip slightly larger than its upper lip and two large teeth protruding from its lower jaw. It lived in swamps and fed on aquatic plants.

About 3 million years ago, the two-horned rhino appeared. Two-horned rhinos are Sumatran, white and black rhinos. In the Quaternary period, humans had already appeared, and the early rhinoceros was represented by the rhinoceros plated on and woolly rhinoceros. Both species became extinct at different times.

Rhinos are fat and clumsy. They are 2.2 to 4.5 meters long, 1.2 to 2 meters high at the shoulder, and weigh 2,800 to 3,000 kilograms. Although they are large and ugly, they are bulky, they can still walk or run at considerable speed. African black rhinoceros can reach speeds of 45 kilometers per hour over short distances.

The rhinoceros is the second largest land animal. The skin of a rhinoceros is hard and delicate in its folds. There are often parasites in the wrinkled skin. To keep the bugs away, they often roll in muddy water. Wallowing is very important for rhinos. Rolling in puddles is an effective way for rhinos to keep mosquitoes at bay. At the same time, they can keep your body cool.

Buphagus are often in the company of rhinos. For Buphagus, the rhino is a banquet table that moves on its own. Because the rhinoceros is infested with many delicious lice, enough for it to eat. In the case of rhinos, Buphagus can remove parasites and alert them if they are in danger.

Rhinos are herbivores. Although both white and black rhinos feed on the grasses of the African savannahs, their diets are very different. The white rhino's upper lip is wide enough to feed on stunted grass; Black rhinos, on the other hand, have prominent lips that can be harvested and broken with premolars. The difference in diet between the two rhinos allows them to live together on the African savannahs.

The rhinoceros is very powerful. It has strong armor and a strong defense. Adult rhinos have few natural predators and are not afraid of lions, except for occasional clashes with elephants. Rhinos are not very intelligent, short-tempered, aggressive, and have a record of actively attacking people.

The illegal trade in rhino horn has led to a surge in poaching. The killing of rhinos by poachers undermines the viability of the natural world. Rhino numbers have declined dramatically in recent years and it is important to keep them safe.

In 2010, WWF South Africa initiated and recognized World Rhino Day. World Rhino Day is on September 22 every year. The aim is to raise awareness of rhino conservation through various forms of environmental protection activities.

We can't stop the poachers' bloody hands, but we can prevent those rare animals from being killed by our actions, at least because our actions can keep them alive, maintain fragile biodiversity, and support a relatively complete biological chain. From today on, please contribute to the protection of rhinoceros this rare and endangered species, be kind to wild animals, and prohibit the sale of rhino horn products!