Fruity And Healthy
2022-12-06 15:14:25

Top 10 Benefits of Raspberries.

1. Enhance immunity.

Studies have found that raspberries contain far more antioxidants than other fresh fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals in the body and strengthen the immune system.

2. Improve brain power.

Snacking on raspberries boosts brain activity. A new study found that flavonoids rich in raspberries may alleviate age-related memory loss.

3. Protect eyesight.

Studies have found that eating raspberries can reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration by 38%.

4. Good for heart health.

Raspberries contain ingredients that can help dilate blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots and heart disease. Research has found that eating 5 or more servings of raspberries per week can reduce the risk of heart disease.

5. Lower blood sugar.

Diabetics eat raspberries to help regulate blood sugar levels. Eating 5 servings of low-glycemic index fruits such as raspberries a week for two months can significantly improve blood sugar regulation.

6. Prevent cancer.

Ellagic acid in raspberries can curb the growth of tumor cells, and half a cup a day can achieve anti-cancer effects.

7. Prevent cystitis.

Some components in raspberries prevent bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall, preventing cystitis and urinary tract infections. Studies have found that eating a handful of raspberries a day can help improve urinary tract infections.

8. Prevent constipation.

1 cup of fresh raspberry juice contains about 4 grams of dietary fiber, accounting for 14% of the daily intake of dietary fiber. The water-soluble dietary fiber in raspberries can promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation.

9. Strong bones.

Raspberries are rich in the trace element manganese, which plays a key role in bone development. The study found that children who like to eat raspberries have higher bone density than children who do not eat raspberries.

10. Keep healthy

Raspberry ketones, which are rich in raspberries, can break down belly fat and help control weight. In addition, raspberries are low in calories and will not cause weight gain.

Pregnant women should take it with caution.

Raspberry is a drug for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Especially in the first trimester, the fetus is not very stable, and eating raspberries will increase the risk of miscarriage.

Infants and young children should take it with caution.

Raspberries contain a lot of plant acids, which are more irritating to the mouth and gastrointestinal tract, and the gastrointestinal tract of infants is relatively tender, which can easily cause discomfort.

Edible methods:

1. Eat directly

Wash the raspberries and eat them directly, which can promote digestion and supplement the nutrients needed by the body.

2. Juicing

Wash the raspberries and put them in a juicer, squeeze them into juice, and drink them. You can also add an appropriate amount of honey to enhance the taste according to your own preferences, which can beautify the skin.