Interesting Seahorses
2022-12-05 15:28:11

Seahorses are lovely animals. It's called a seahorse because its head looks like a horse's. It's a very interesting creature.

Seahorses are not big. The largest seahorse measures 36 centimeters and the smallest is only 1.2 centimeters. Seahorses have flat heads. It has the eyes of a dragonfly, the head of a horse, the body of a shrimp, and an elephant-like tail.

Interestingly, the seahorse is very similar to the legendary Chinese dragon, but it belongs to the fish. Its dorsal fins are on the lower part of its body and its pectoral fins are located on the gills next to its head. Like salmon and tuna, they are ancient fish.

Most species of seahorses live at the border of the river and the sea, and they can adapt to different concentrations of seawater, even in freshwater.

There are about 32 species of seahorses in the world, found in many regions of the Earth, including the Atlantic, Europe, the Pacific, etc. Most seahorses live in coastal areas from Australia to the Caribbean.

Seahorses live about 20 meters below the surface. Their preferred temperature is between 19 degrees and 32 degrees in warm water. Such waters are perfect for coral reefs. They love coral reefs. Coral reefs can protect them well.

They're small, and when they feed, they hook their tails around the coral to keep them from being washed away. Seahorses have no teeth or stomachs and are carnivores. They have small mouths and can only eat small crustaceans, like shrimp.

When the seahorse searches for prey, the two eyes can move alone without interfering with each other.

Seahorses swim interestingly.

When they swim, their bodies are vertical in the water. Seahorses have no limbs and can only move forward with the strength of their bodies. The seahorse's tail is very long and has many sections. It can flex and stretch and bounce with its tail.

They swim very slowly. According to Guinness World Records, seahorses are the slowest swimming fish in the world. They can swim up to 1.5 meters per hour.

Because seahorses swim slowly, many people keep small seahorses as pets.

What is most interesting is how seahorses reproduce. Seahorses are the only animals that produce offspring from males.

This is because the male seahorse has a special physiological structure that the female seahorse does not have - a brood sac. The brood sac is on the male seahorse's abdomen, front or side. While the pouches don't provide nutrients for the baby seahorse, they do allow the fertilized eggs to hatch safely.

Seahorses breed from May to August. After the female has laid her eggs, she places them in the male's brood pouch. The baby seahorse grows up in the female's brood pouch. The pouch is like an incubator.

Although male seahorses don't give birth, the brood pouch protects them from outside threats. When the baby seahorse hatches, the baby seahorse emerges from the male's brood pouch.

The seahorse's color and its swimming posture are designed to survive in nature. In the wild, these are its protective colors. They have been on Earth for thousands of years. Seahorses are really interesting creatures. Nature is amazing.