Tips On Life
2022-11-30 07:41:17

Planning is a prerequisite, planning is the guidepost of life, with this guidepost, you will not lose your way. Dare to take action is the basis, with planning the next thing to do is to take action, if you do not take action then a good plan is also a paper soldier.

1. Facing independent life with ease

After going to university, the biggest change for prospective students is the living environment, without the daily care of parents and elders, many things need to be handled alone, and the real independent life begins.

It is a real test to adapt to the living environment and habits of students who have never lived on campus before, from the "independent kingdom" of a single room to a group dormitory with six people.

2. Keeping track of your own money

Although there are only a few months between taking the college entrance examination and entering university, the living expenses of university freshmen are increasing exponentially.

When they first entered college, they didn't have much experience in "money management", and some of them spent a lot of money in the initial period, shopping, traveling, and dining. Two months later, they had to scrimp and save or ask their parents for money in the future.

Many students at university are not able to manage their money, some of them even have to live in debt at the end of the semester. Therefore, it is important for new university students to develop the concept of "money management".

In the first two or three months of your studies, you should plan your spending: what expenses are necessary, what expenses are totally unnecessary, and what expenses are dispensable. Money should be spent on the necessary things, avoiding completely unnecessary spending and spending as little as possible on what can be spent or not spent.

In particular, it is important to base your daily spending on your parents' financial means and your ability to work and study, and not to compare yourself with others.

One of the more effective ways to manage your money as a freshman is to make a realistic "spending plan" at the beginning of each month and try to stick to it, with extra money in the bank for emergencies.

3. Regular work and rest on time

When you first enter university, you feel that university and high school are very different: high school life is endless homework and endless books, just like a spinning gyroscope, while freshmen study under little pressure, and no parental and teacher supervision, this long-awaited freedom, so many students initially feel "overwhelmed", life is suddenly lazy.

Many students feel "overwhelmed" at first, and their lives suddenly become lazy.

A good lifestyle is an important foundation for a smooth and successful university experience. In order to make the most of university life, it is important to take this issue seriously from the moment you enter university, to develop good habits, and to prevent the formation of bad ones.

4. Developing special skills after school

A significant difference between university and secondary school is the richness of university life after school. In addition to the daily teaching activities, there are various lectures, seminars, academic presentations, recreational activities, club activities, public relations activities, and so on.

These activities can be quite dizzying for university students, so they often have no idea how to organize their time after school.

In order to organize your time wisely spare time, you must first have a sensible analysis of what you want to do in the near future. Look at what you want to achieve in the near future, how significant the various activities are for your development, and so on.

Then make the best time schedule and keep revising and developing as you implement your plan. New university students should make good use of their spare time to carry out some useful recreational activities, such as singing, dancing, playing chess, etc. Try to cultivate their various hobbies and interests to enrich their lives.

It is best to have one or more hobbies that you are interested in and good at when you are at university, not only to build up your self-confidence but also to enhance your social adaptability.