Hot Air Balloon
2022-11-28 20:02:06

In ancient Greek mythology, the world's first man to build flying wings used bird feathers and wax, his son because he flew too high.

Too close to the sun, the result of the heat caused the wax to melt, and the son fell into the sea and died.

Later, for the first time, the man was able to escape the gravitational pull of the earth.

Flying into the sky in a hot air balloon, it must rely on fire and heat to rise, which is a strange paradox.

And the human fear of flying. Fascination, as well as the never-ending pursuit, are hidden in this sad tragedy and exciting paradox.

In the 18th century, the French Mengelfi brothers noticed that the hot air from the fire could blow up silk and confetti, thus creating the hot air balloon.

The first earthly creatures to take to the skies in a hot air balloon were not humans, but a chicken.

A duck and a sheep flew over Versailles and landed unharmed.

Humans, of course, did not want to be deprived of the pleasure of flying that chickens and ducks can enjoy.

On November 21, 1783, in Paris, the man managed to escape from the earth for the first time, flying for 25 minutes.

This was a full 120 years before the first airplane took to the skies.

The splendid hot air balloons floating in the air created beautiful images of people overlooking the panoramic landscape of Cappadocia and also filming the hot air balloons flying.

Our balloon passed directly above several balloons, with clear, cloudless skies, and each hot air balloon cast a perfect shadow on the hillside, like a totem about flight, with some kind of faith to death.

Today, most hot air balloons have balloons made of long strips of nylon silk reinforced with stitching in the middle.

Nylon is ideal for hot air balloons because it is not only light and quite strong but also has a high melting point.

The skirt at the bottom of the balloon is made of a special material made of fireproof cloth to prevent flames from igniting the balloon.

The hot air balloon's floating speed is fast or slow, is determined by the speed of the wind because the hot air balloon itself does not have a power system.

The flight speed depends entirely on the wind speed. Hot air balloon maximum descent speed of 6 m / s, and a maximum rise speed of 5 m / s.

During the flight, in order to keep the balloon stagnant and not fall, the pilot needs to intermittently heat the air in the balloon.

When the air in the balloon gradually cools, the pilot needs to determine the temperature at which the balloon will be heated by the length of time the burner emits flame.

The balloon is not really being "driven", it is traveling with the wind. However, because the wind has different directions and speeds at different heights.

The pilot can choose the appropriate height according to the direction of flight needs.

Nowadays, flying in a hot air balloon has become a favorite air sport.

In addition, hot air balloons are also commonly used for aerial photography and aerial tourism.

Hot air balloons need the help of ground crew to recover their original state.

The ground crew follows the balloon in a truck or minivan and arrives at the landing site in advance.

A hot air balloon floating requires the help of 3-4 ground crew and ground radio equipment to ensure the safety and success of the flight.