2022-10-07 18:13:02

Blocks is a very fun puzzle game.Die Die Gao is a board game from Parker Brothers that tests skill and strategy.Loved by many, especially young people, it is a popular activity at parties.

First, build a tower from blocks of wood, and then players take turns pulling blocks from the tower to see whose hands the tower collapses at the end.

Therefore, the player's hand must be steady!

Stack the blocks to make a tower. First, pour the stacked blocks on a flat surface. Next, take three blocks side by side as a layer, and stack all the blocks to a height of 18 layers.

When building a new layer, the blocks should cross the blocks on the next layer at a right angle of 90 degrees.

Each stack should have 54 blocks. Even if you don't have enough stacks, you can still play. Just follow the normal way to build the block tower.

Keep the tower vertical. Before playing, check that the block tower is sturdy. Due to the interlocking structure between the layers of the building block tower, the tower can be built very high without external support.

Flatten the edges of the tower with your hands or another flat object. If a block comes out, push it in with your fingers.

Have players surround the tower. The game requires at least two players. Everyone sat in a circle around the stack. If only two people are playing, sit down on either side of the stack.

Although the game does not have strict rules on the upper limit of the number of people, the fewer people there are, the more interesting it is to play, because the frequency of each person's turn is higher.

Write on the blocks. There are a lot of variations on how to stack up, such as writing something on each block before stacking the blocks. You can write questions, challenges or commands.

Then scramble the blocks and build a tower as usual. Players must do as above after extracting blocks from the tower.

Questions: When a question is written on the drawn block, the player must answer it.

These questions can be entertaining ("Who would you most like to talk to in the room?"), thought-provoking ("When did you feel small?"), or hilarious ("What's the most important thing you've been through?") Embarrassing thing?").

Challenge: When the content of the challenge is written on the drawn block, the player must do as required. For example, "swap a dress with the person next to you", or "drink a small cup of chili oil", or "make a scary look."

In addition to the above play methods, there are also some play methods about building blocks.


Arrange the blocks in a domino pattern, then knock down the first or last block in order to enjoy the interesting sight of the blocks falling in order. In the process of placing the blocks, you need to accurately judge the spatial distance, and require precise hand movements and high concentration.

Building blocks embody many mechanical principles. For example, building blocks of different sizes have different stability. Good stability is not easy to collapse. When building a house with building blocks, you will gradually realize the relationship between balance and symmetry.

Before building blocks, you must first have a plan, what to build below and what to put on top. All of these are great for cultivating scientific thinking.