Do You Like Ice Hockey
2022-06-01 23:18:16

Ice hockey is a collective competitive sport against each other on ice with skates and hockey sticks as tools. It consists of men and women and is an independent winter sport in the international sports classification.

Ice hockey came into being after sports such as football, hockey and speed skating. The important international organizations of ice hockey include the National Hockey League and the International Ice Hockey Federation. Ice hockey is a high-speed moving, often touching and exciting sport, and its goal is to score a goal. The ice hockey rink is 61 meters long and 30 meters wide, surrounded by boundary walls with a height of 1.15 to 1.22 meters.

Ice hockey is an extremely competitive, even aggressive game, and players often use their bodies and sticks to block opponents from advancing. There are a number of rules regarding the scale of physical contact, and fouls include: malicious bumping, tripping, kneeling, elbowing, over-the-shoulder, and poking with a hockey stick. Once a foul is called, the player will be ejected for 2 and a half minutes or 10 minutes. A men's ice hockey team consists of a maximum of 20 players, 3 of whom are goalkeepers, and a women's ice hockey team consists of a maximum of 18 players, including 2 goalkeepers. During the game, each team can only send 6 players to the field, and these six players must be a goalkeeper, two defensive players and three offensive players.

According to the rules of ice hockey, fights are not allowed. After being maliciously fouled by the opponent's player, the fouled player can apply for a heads-up with the fouled player. During the game, out of tactical needs and to attract more spectators, collision and provocation are common scenes on professional ice rinks.

Challenges to each other are part of the conventions of ice hockey games. Fights in ice hockey games are very gentlemanly. Players are not allowed to attack each other with sharp skates on their feet. According to the rules of the game, both sides need to take off their protective gear, and both players agree to fight. , you can start playing, but you need to pay a certain price after the game.