Solar Power
2022-10-15 12:45:01

Solar energy is the most important basic energy source, biomass, wind, tidal and water energy, etc.

All come from solar energy.

The sun is internally carrying out the atomic nuclear reaction from hydrogen into helium, constantly releasing huge amounts of energy and constantly radiating energy into the cosmic space, which is solar energy.

The earliest solar power plant was built in the United States, at Barstow Solar Power Station No. 1 in the Mojave Desert of California.

There are two ways to generate solar power: one is the photo-thermal-electric conversion method, and the other is the direct photo-electric conversion method.

Photo-thermal-electricity: Electricity is generated by harnessing the thermal energy generated by solar radiation, generally by converting the absorbed thermal energy from solar collectors into steam from a work mass, which then drives a turbine to generate electricity.

The former process is the light-thermal conversion process.

The latter process is the heat-motion and then converted to electricity final conversion process, the same as ordinary thermal power generation.

The disadvantage of solar thermal power generation is that the efficiency is very low and the cost is very high, and it is estimated that the investment is at least 5 to 10 times more expensive than an ordinary thermal power plant.

Photo-electricity: This method uses the photoelectric effect to convert solar radiation energy directly into electrical energy, and the basic device for photoelectric conversion is the solar cell.

Solar cell is a device that converts sunlight energy directly into electricity due to the photovoltaic effect.

It is a semiconductor photodiode, and when sunlight shines on the photodiode, the photodiode will turn the sun's light energy into electricity and produce electric current.

When many cells are connected in series or in parallel, they can become a solar cell array with relatively large output power.

Solar cells are a promising new type of power source with three major advantages: permanence, cleanliness and flexibility.

Solar cells have a long life, as long as the sun exists, solar cells can be invested once and used for a long time.

Compared with thermal power generation, solar cells do not cause environmental pollution.

The advantages of solar power are as follows: Solar energy is known as the most ideal new energy source.

No danger of depletion.

Safe and reliable, no noise, no pollution emissions outside, absolutely clean (no pollution).

Not limited by the geographical distribution of resources, can take advantage of the building roof.

No need to consume fuel and set up transmission lines can be on-site power generation and supply.

High quality of energy.

Short construction cycle, short time spent to obtain energy.

With environmental pollution and energy crisis is increasingly serious, the development of energy conservation and environmental protection is gradually being paid attention to.

Solar energy is a green, clean and renewable resources, to solve environmental pollution and energy crisis has an important role.

Photovoltaic industry has an important place in the future of new energy, with broad prospects for development.