Everyone wants to have strong teeth. However, with age, various oral problems such as tooth decay, periodontitis, gingival recession, and loose teeth are prone to occur.
Although oral diseases are not very harmful to the body, these diseases will affect people's daily eating and further cause malnutrition. So how to properly take care of your teeth? What are the tips for taking care of your teeth?
How to properly care for your teeth
Pay attention to the brushing time: The correct time to brush your teeth is preferably within three minutes after eating. At this time, brushing your teeth can effectively remove the food residues before the bacteria break down the food residues in time. This can prevent oral infections and can also effectively relieve bad breath. And you must brush your teeth in the morning and at night every day, and you can also brush once at noon if you can.
Use the correct method for brushing your teeth: Be sure to use the correct brushing method when brushing your teeth, pay attention to brushing up and down, not left and right.
Usually, the brushing time should not be less than 5 minutes. If the time is more urgent, the minimum time should not be less than 3 minutes. Not only the teeth should be brushed, but also the tongue coating.
Proper use of cleaning tools: You can use some tools that can clean your teeth properly, such as dental floss. Flossing can effectively remove debris and can also enlarge the gap between teeth.
Be careful not to use toothpicks as much as possible, as toothpicks may damage the gums and increase the gap between the teeth.
Choose the right toothpaste: Enzymatic toothpaste inhibits bacterial growth, has anti-inflammatory properties, removes tartar, prevents bleeding gums, and effectively removes smoke and tea stains.
Fluoride toothpaste protects your teeth and reduces your chances of developing caries. Desensitizing toothpaste can reduce the allergic symptoms caused by hot and cold sourness and sweetness to the teeth.
Toothpaste containing chlorophyll can inhibit the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria. Bleaching toothpaste can make teeth whiter.
Tips for taking care of your teeth
Pay attention to your diet: If you want to keep your teeth healthy, you must not only do a good job of cleaning your teeth but also pay attention to avoid irritating your teeth. So you also need to pay attention to your diet.
It is recommended to eat less spicy food and too cold food, which can irritate the teeth and cause tooth sensitivity.
Regular teeth cleaning: Although brushing can effectively keep your teeth healthy, calculus will always form on your teeth, and this calculus cannot be removed by brushing.
Therefore, it is recommended that people with calculus have regular dental cleanings, which can effectively prevent periodontal disease.
Keep a regular schedule: Keeping a regular schedule can effectively prevent gum disease. Irregular bodywork and rest can lead to bleeding gums.
Keep on drinking weak tea: Tea is rich in fluorine, which can enhance the firmness of teeth and avoid dental caries. Contains tea polyphenols, which can kill bacteria in the mouth and enhance the protection function of tooth enamel.
You can eat apples or white radishes appropriately, because, during chewing, the surface of the teeth can be rubbed to clean the bacteria in the teeth. Eating more foods containing high-quality protein can enhance the antibacterial effect of teeth.
Kind tips:
Doing an oral examination at least once a year can detect and treat oral problems in a timely manner. In particular, elderly people with frequent oral diseases and women planning to become pregnant should pay attention to oral examinations.
When there is oral pain, bad breath, bleeding, and loose teeth, you should go to the hospital for an examination in time, so as not to delay the best treatment time and increase the difficulty of treatment.