Have A Good Dream
2022-10-13 15:08:25

If someone told you there was a magic solution you could use to prevent disease, increase intelligence and reduce stress, would it be true? It sounds too good to be true.

As it turns out, multiple studies have shown that sleep is a magic potion. It is a preventive medicine to treat physical and mental illnesses and improve mood.

While the importance of sleep is indisputable, it can be difficult for the average person to make sleep a priority. Lack of quality sleep not only affects how people feel during the day, but it can also impair immune system function. Adequate sleep is essential to prevent common viral diseases.

One-third of one's life is spent in sleep. Sleep is a necessity of life. You can't go without sleep. Sleep quality plays a vital role in human health, and sleep loss needs to be made up every day.

The importance of getting enough sleep.

1. Help your body heal and repair.

Sleep can heal and repair the body that performs heavy daily functions during the day.

Most growth hormone is produced during sleep and ultimately leads to bone growth. To reduce inflammation, tissues need to rest and muscles need to relax. Every cell and organ needs rest to function at its best.

2. Reduce your risk.

Sleep itself is a protective factor against disease. When people get too much or too little sleep, the risk of various diseases and premature death increases. Sleep allows disease-causing cells to repair themselves.

3. Reduce stress.

Adequate and quality sleep not only improves mood but also regulates stress.

4. Boost your immune system.

The immune system of people with sleep disorders does not work properly. Sleep helps the body produce and release cytokines, proteins that mount an immune response to infection and inflammation.

How can you achieve a healthy Morpheus?

When your mind is relaxed, you can sleep soundly. A soft, monotonous piece of music before bed may help.

Drink a cup of warm milk, the calcium in milk is sedative substance, drink warm beverage is a good habit.

Avoid drinking stimulating drinks such as coffee, tea, and cola before going to bed.

You can read books before going to bed.

Go to bed at the same time, wake up at the same time, and develop good sleep habits.

But sleeping too much is not healthy, especially when the elderly suddenly increase their sleep time to rule out new cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases or lung infections.