AI Painting Becomes Famous
2022-10-28 15:29:50

AI (artificial intelligence) painting is famous! Just enter a few keywords, and a beautiful painting can be generated in a few seconds, and different options can be adjusted according to the user's preferred painting style.

2022 is called "the first year of AI drawing", and ordinary people are also starting to try AI painting. However, AI painting also brings controversies such as copyright ownership. Industry experts said that determining the copyright owner of works generated by AI painting tools is still a gap in the legal regulation system of each country. Still, the future introduction of regulatory documents is the general trend.

Zero bases can also "paint" a masterpiece

Since the beginning of 2022, AI painting platforms have started to appear one after another.Meta, Google, Microsoft, etc. have all been laid out, giving birth to platforms such as Mid journey and Disco Diffusion.

When a word can be turned into a painting, AI painting has spread from professional circles to ordinary people, and become a traffic code for social platforms.

The extremely low threshold of use is the main reason why AI painting attracts ordinary people. Up to now, most AI painting platforms are free for users to use.

Players try the path of painting cashing in

As the popularity of AI painting goes up, players have started to explore the possibility of using it to make money and generate income, and the most direct way to realize this is to sell pictures.

There are also some "painting laymen" who directly sell their AI-finished products. Some people auction off their AI paintings for prices ranging from $88 to $288.

In addition to selling works, some people directly sell the keywords used to generate the description of the work, such as "Mid journey keywords $20 for 2500 sets" "Disco Diffusion with parameters keywords $38.8 " and so on.

On the short video platform, there are also many accounts depicting the "money scene" of "earning hundreds of dollars a day" in AI painting to beginners and selling related courses, with prices ranging from $19.9 yuan to $299 yuan. However, most of these courses only have single-digit sales at present.

AI painting copyright ownership to be clarified

In August 2022, the winner of the digital art category at Art America was the artificial intelligence painting "Space Opera". The event stirred up a lively discussion." Could it be that AI is going to steal jobs?"

Several professional painters have made it clear that AI painting is still far from replacing human painters.