White Birds
2022-10-17 10:45:41

Birds are the most common species on Earth, with more than 10,000 species. They come in all colors, sizes, and shapes. Some can fly, some can't, and their diets are complex. Here are 6 of the most famous white birds in the world!

1. White Cockatoo

The white cockatoo is one of the most prolific cockatoos. Their crested hair is the largest of any cockatoo. They share characteristics with other parrots. They both have hooked beaks and opposite toes.

The main difference is that other parrots do not have the retractable crests and feather structures that give them their iris-like color. It is also known as the umbrella cockatoo.

It got its name because the crown on its head opens like an umbrella. Its flawless white plumage is very beautiful, and the female has a reddish iris.

2. Egret

There are 13 species of Egret, including Great Egret, Middle Egret, Little Egret, and Snowy Egret. Their body hair is all white and they are known in the world as egrets.

Great egrets are huge and have neither crowns nor feathers. Medium egrets are medium in size, without a crest, and only have feathers; egrets and snowy herons are smaller, with feathers on their crests and breasts.

The crown feathers and coconut shell rainbows produced during the breeding period of egrets can be used for decoration.

3. Black-faced Spoonbill

The black-faced spoonbill is only found in East Asia. They are characterized by white feathers from the eye rims to the base, black mouth, black legs and feet, black forehead, black eyeliner, and black bare skin, forming a unique" blackface".

4. White ibis

The white ibis is a large wading bird. In summer, its plumage is all white, but the upper parts of its head and neck are bare black, sometimes with blue accents, which distinguish it from other species.

The nape and the lower part of the front nape have extended grey feathers. The margins below the wings have dark red patches of bare skin. The wingtips exposed in flight are black.

Winter plumage is usually similar to summer plumage, but without the extended grey feathers on the back and front of the neck.

5. Whooping Crane

Whooping Cranes Adult white cranes are bright red, with bare cheeks and a crown of the head. Its flight feathers and neck are black, and the rest of its feathers are pure white.

Its beak is pale yellow, and its legs and feet are black. Males and females have similar plumage colors, but the females are smaller. Like other cranes, the white crane has bright red bare skin on its head, which is very beautiful.

His cheeks were flushed, and his pointed mouth was slightly yellow. The feathers on the body are white. Only the forehead, lower cheeks, and flying feathers are black.

6. Snow Goose

Snow goose feathers are pure white. They sometimes have rust spots of varying degrees on their heads and necks. Their main plumage is black with a light black base, grey fur, black wingtips, pink legs and beak, and a black beak.

Snow geese are covered in white feathers with black wingtips interspersed, complementing each other and showing their beauty. Snow geese have a habit of migration and long journeys.

They like to live in groups. When flying, they line up in neat formations such as zigzags, chevrons, etc.