Plant Flowers
2022-10-04 21:47:54

Do you like flowers? Do you like to plant? Do you like to experience such fun? It is a pleasant relaxation experience when you are surrounded by flowers in your spare time.

Gardening tools, cultivating soil, etc. are not important at the beginning.

For ordinary plants to grow, the requirements are still relatively low, and you have to believe that you can do it.

Don't be too greedy at the beginning, too many varieties can't be raised at one time, and don't challenge uncommon plants. Expect too much and be disappointed.

In fact, the greatest joy of growing a plant is to watch it grow little by little and show the beauty of the life process.

You don't have to raise precious or rare varieties. In fact, the flowers you raise, no matter how common, are unique.

Just like the saying in "The Little Prince": "lt's the time you wasted on your rose that make your rose so important." There are many roses in the world, but you cultivate with your heart, spend a lot of time with you, experience a lot of things That rose is unique and different.

So it's important to find the plant you want to keep, just like finding a partner who smells like that, understand its temperament, and let it accompany you when you're alone.

Roses are listed as one of the most popular and widely cultivated ornamental plants. From balconies and backyards to the most famous royal gardens in the world, you can find them almost everywhere.

Roses include hundreds of species and thousands of cultivars, each with different characteristics.

Growing roses is the best option for starting a backyard garden. They are easy to grow, super adaptable plants, and produce some of the most beautiful flowers in the plant kingdom.

However, growing plants in your backyard carries certain risks, and you should understand the appropriate and inappropriate things to avoid risks reasonably.

Summary of key points:

1. Older varieties of roses can live for 40-50 years or more. But contemporary varieties sold in nurseries typically live 10-12 years.

2. The best way to start growing roses is to buy a seedling (bare root ready to be planted or already in a container) from a legitimate nursery. It is not recommended that you grow roses from seed.

3. If you are buying bare-root rose seedlings, you may want to soak them overnight before planting, according to the manufacturer's regulations.

4. Before planting young roses in your backyard, you must plough the field, remove any weeds, and prepare the soil for new plants.

5. In many areas, you can grow rose seedlings year-round. But late fall to early spring is the best time to see rose blooms in late summer.

6. First, we have to dig a soil pit and gently place the seedlings together with the soil ball at the same depth as when we bought it from the nursery.

7. If you want to plant roses in pots, you need to avoid using plastic pots, preferably clay or cement pots. Note that you may need to replant the roses in a new, larger pot every two years.

8. You may consider purchasing a special rose-specific soil fertiliser from a legitimate seller. Mix the soil with perlite for optimal aeration and drainage.