Tips For Housework
2022-09-01 22:02:46

The following article will take stock of the life tips shared by the "masters of organization" in life. With a small bit money, and you can do big things. The housework that used to take two or three days to complete can be solved in just 15 minutes.

1. Grocery basket

Do you feel that there are a lot of clutter scattered around the house every day, messy. To avoid this mess, it is advisable to have a grocery basket in the home. Each family member has their own basket where they can put things they don't need in the moment. At the end of the day, everyone can empty their baskets and put things back in their places.

2. Hook on trash bag

When it comes time to take out the garbage bag, it is sometimes slipped into the trash can and is buried under the food scraps! If you don't want to dig in the trash to get your bag out, you can easily attach two sticky hooks upside down to the side of the trash can and attach the trash bag's drawstring to it. That way, the trash bag will end up in place.

3. Hole in trash can

Use a drill to drill two or three holes under the trash can if you want the trash bag to be taken out easily. The purpose is to get air into the trash can, thereby preventing the vacuum and preventing the trash bag from sticking to the trash can.

4. Use ice cubes to remove indentations on the carpet

The cabinets have been in the same spot in the living room for years, resulting in unsightly indentations on the carpet! Just put a few ice cubes on the indentation, and when the ice cubes melt, the carpet indentation will improve. Then, use a spoon to easily raise the flat fibers of the carpet.

5. Keep a reusable cling cloth in the fridge

For the lazy, use a reusable cling cloth, such as a beeswax or tree wax cloth, in the storage area of the refrigerator. When the cloth gets dirty, just rinse it with cold water and replace it without the hassle of cleaning the inside of the refrigerator.

6. Clean the pot

If you didn’t wash the residue in your pan, it would be very difficult to clean after a while. Drying paper is very effective at this time. First, you must add water and detergent to the pot, then add a sheet or two of drying paper depending on the size, soak for 20 minutes, and then use a sponge to easily remove food residue.

7. Clean white tiles with an eraser

Anyone who has tile in the bathroom knows that the tiny gaps between the tiles can quickly get dirty. However, rather than scrubbing the crevice with harsh chemicals for hours, it may be sufficient to moisten the eraser with water and then rub the crevice with it. Because the eraser contains melamine resin particles, dirt and limescale can be easily removed.