Shaking Of The Paddles
2022-08-31 21:55:12

Kayaking originated with the Eskimos in Greenland, North America, in the 1860s. The highest kayaking organization is the International Canoe Federation, headquartered in Madrid, Spain.

Kayaking is divided into two categories: kayaking and rowing. Kayaking originated from small boats made by the Inuit people of Greenland. The boat was wrapped in whale and otter skins in its skeleton, and paddled with oars with blades at both ends.

Rowing originated in Canada, so it is also called Canadian rowing.

Types of kayaks.

Fancy boat: A fancy boat is a relatively small canoe with a smaller volume and shorter length, suitable for fancy sports.

Whitewater Boats: Larger hull and bulkier, more suitable for river or short river exploration. Appropriate lengths vary by terrain.

Ocean-going ship: The hull is slender, generally more than 4 meters, with a tail rudder, easy to control the direction, suitable for long-distance travel.

Medium and short-distance travel boat: The hull is wide and stable, suitable for novice short-distance travel.

Platform canoes: mostly used for leisure, there are also many surf boats that are platform boats.

Fishing Boat: A recreational boat specially designed for fishing enthusiasts, with the addition of fishing racks, bait boxes, anchor racks, and more.

Dos and don'ts for kayaking.

1. It is difficult to see kayaks from a distance, especially at sea. Please try to wear bright clothes and bring signaling equipment.

2. As with vehicles, keep to the right when rowing.

3. If there are larger boats around, try to stay away from them.

4. Buoys: If there are buoys marked ahead or restricted areas in the waters, please follow the instructions.

5. Be sure to wear a life jacket and choose according to your weight. When falling into the water, it not only floats, but also maintains body temperature.

6. It is necessary to carry a whistle with you, not only to call for help, but also to warn when a large ship is approaching.

Maintenance of kayaks.

1. After receiving the boat, please inflate it and leave it for one night. No problem, then use it in water. New ships will have a buffering process.

2. Cleaning. If possible, wash your dinghy with fresh water and remove any stuck sand and salt stains when you're done using it. If you must use soap, use mild soap.

3. Be careful of sharp objects. Kayaks don't like sharp objects or repeated friction in the same area. Be careful with knives or fish hooks, and anything that might scratch the surface.

When docking, avoid dragging the boat over rocks or shells, and bring a spare rug if you're going near a barnacle-infested pier.

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