why do we drink juice
2022-04-02 22:45:17

It turns out that fruit juice helps to a great extent in overcoming diseases. You must have heard about the health benefits of juice, but you will be surprised that today we will tell you about the beauty benefits associated with it, which are very important for your skin. Everyone drinks juice, it is very good for health, drinking a glass of juice daily is very good for the body.

It not only removes diseases but also protects the body from diseases. What would you say if we say that drinking some juice can fulfill this wish? Learn more about the beauty benefits here today, and which juices are good for your skin, so you can add juices to your diet to keep your skin looking youthful and glowing.

Orange juice:

You can easily extract orange juice at home too and it is good for your skin and acne on your face. Plus, the complexion and skin texture are better. Orange juice contains citric acid, which hydrates the skin and prevents sunburn.


Like orange juice, juice is also available everywhere and you can extract it at home too. The antioxidants and vitamin C present in it protect the skin in many ways. You should drink this juice daily, it can protect you from many types of infections. Also your blood remains clean.

pomegranate juice:

By eating pomegranate, health remains good and there is an increase in blood in the body. Apart from this, it is good for your face in many ways. New cells are formed on your face, that is, aging disappears from the skin and your skin starts looking young.

carrot juice

Carrot juice is good for eyes and skin. By drinking its juice, you can get rid of acne, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation as carrot juice cleanses your skin and makes your skin glowing.

Beet juice:

Beetroot juice rich in ions and potassium is very good for your health, it removes a lot of problems, which does not cause problems like acne and pimples on the skin.

too much juice is harmful

This is a natural form of sugar, which is found in almost every fruit. It is not considered harmful. So if you lens it symmetrically. In fact, when we eat fruits, the fiber present in it also goes into our body along with fructose. It takes time to break them down and dissolve in the blood.

But, when we take fruit juice, the fiber gets separated. Only fructose and some vitamins remain in it, which go into our body. Emma Alvin, associated with a voluntary organization working for Britain's diabetes, says that the World Health Organization recommends taking 150 ml of juice or 30 grams of sugar daily.

When we drink fruit juice, fructose dissolves rapidly in our blood. When blood sugar levels suddenly rise, our pancreas releases a hormone called insulin, which regulates sugar levels.

If this continues, people are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. According to a study of 100,000 people conducted between 1986 and 2009, frequent fruit juice consumption was found to be directly linked to type 2 diabetes.

There was another study that demonstrated the link between fruit juice and type 2 diabetes, which was conducted in 70,000 people over 18 years. Experts say that juice dissolves quickly in our body. So the amount of sugar suddenly increases.

Even adding some vegetables to the juice is much better than the juice itself. However, they also do not contain fiber. However, if they later dissolve in our blood, the sugar content will not suddenly increase.

Also, do not drink cold juice on an empty stomach in the morning, as drinking warm water in the morning is good for the body. Drinking cold juice in the morning can damage your mucous membranes. Therefore, there is a risk of problems with the digestive system. So get rid of the habit of drinking juice in the morning. Add juice to your diet after having a meal.