Yogurt Time
2022-08-29 10:26:24

Soft drinks are usually not good for your health, but yogurt seems to be an exception. One cup of yogurt a day, keeps doctors away. Here are the benefits of yogurt.

1.It helps lose weight.

People who try to lose weight like to choose yogurt. Why is this? Yogurt has a sticky texture, and it can give you a long-lasting, high-intensity satiety feeling in the stomach. They often use yogurt as a meal replacement, or drink a bottle of yogurt before eating, which can reduce their food intake. If you are trying to lose weight, try yogurt. However, don’t over drink it too much. The calories and sugar contained in yogurt are also very high. Over drinking will increase weight, so remember, a cup a day is enough.

2.It helps detoxify bowel movements.

Yogurt is formed through fermentation. During this fermentation process, a lot of lactic acid bacteria groups are accumulated in the internal fermentation of yogurt. When you bottle up a cup of yogurt, these lactic acid bacteria groups also enter your stomach and intestines. These lactic acid bacteria increase the diversity of gastrointestinal digestive flora and improve the digestive ability of the stomach and intestines. Yogurt can promote gastrointestinal motility and help defecation. Defecation is one of the normal metabolic processes of the human body. Constipated patient can use yogurt to help promote defecation, while normal people can use yogurt to help digestion and reduce the burden on the stomach.

3. Yogurt can help the body resist radiation.

Radiation is very harmful to the human body. First of all, it directly damages our eyes, which reduces our vision and induces a series of eye problems. Second, radiation can also damage our skin and age us fast. If you have to face a lot of radiation every day, a cup of yogurt is a good choice, because yogurt is rich in vitamins B. Scientific research has shown that this vitamin can help the body resist radiation and reduce the damage caused by radiation to the body. But the best way to eliminate radiation damage to the body is to stay away from radiation.

4. Yogurt improves body resistance.

Yogurt is rich in flora. These floras help the body build up the immune system. In the season of high incidence of colds, drinking a cup of yogurt every day improves the body's immunity, thereby reducing the probability of illness. For people with weak resistance, you can insist on drinking a cup of yogurt every day throughout the year. It is believed that long-term persistence will definitely improve your immune system.

There are so many benefits of drinking yogurt, but you need to make sure to drink it properly.2.Do not heat your yogurt.

Some parents choose to heat it up when giving yogurt to their children, but this is very wrong. When the temperature is too high, these lactic acid bacteria will lose their activity and even cause the yogurt to spoil.

1.Try not to drink yogurt on an empty stomach, eat something before drinking it.

When drinking a bottle of yogurt with an empty stomach, stomach acid may kill the beneficial lactic acid bacteria in yogurt, so the health benefits of yogurt will be greatly reduced. Secondly, yogurt itself is also an acidic substance with high acidity, it may damage the gastric mucosa and cause stomach discomfort.

2.Do not heat your yogurt.

Some parents choose to heat it up when giving yogurt to their children, but this is very wrong. When the temperature is too high, these lactic acid bacteria will lose their activity and even cause the yogurt to spoil.

3.Rinse mouth after drinking yogurt.

Yogurt is relatively viscous, and there are a lot of acidic substances in the mouth after drinking, and there is a lot of residues in the mouth. If these substances are not cleaned up, they will corrode the teeth, and there will be hidden dangers of bad teeth in the long run.