Silly Roe Deer
2022-08-29 10:25:01

There lives a group of very magical animals in the north, called roe deer. People remember their names not because they are precious, but because they are stupid. Roe deer are actually a kind of deer family, but their legs are relatively short, and they live in deep mountains, so they are also known as dwarf deer and wild sheep. Roe deer are herbivores and do not pose a threat to human existence.

Roe deer are notoriously fools. But how stupid are they? We all know that when animals see hunters, even if they don't know if the hunters are going to hunt them or not, when hearing a gunshot, they will run away immediately. However, roe deer are different. Hearing the gunshots of the hunters, the roe deer would indeed run immediately. However, once it gets quite again, the roe deer would stand there quietly, think for a moment, and then run back to try to figure out the situation. As a result, hunters usually have no trouble catching them.

When one of the roe deer unfortunately got, the rest of the group will not try to run away. On the contrary, they will run back to see how their friend is, but only have a chance to take only one look, because the next second, they would get caught too. In winter, especially when the snow is bad, the chances of hunters catching roe deer are quite high, because they are really not good at running and they don't know how to hide themselves very well. They will just simply bury their heads in the snow, thinking, "If I can't see you, you won't see me either."

Roe deer are extremely curious, and their sense of smell is even better than cats and dogs. Roe deer have a particularly strong sense of teamwork. Once they see something interesting, they will come in groups to play together. This is also the reason why hunters can easily capture a large number of roe deer. Because of curiosity, roe deer will make special actions to strong light. They will slam into the light source, whether it is a car light, a streetlight or a flashlight, as long as there is light ahead, the roe deer will always go towards it.

Roe deer are stupid and have no advantage in size. In the animal kingdom where the rules are cruel, their probability of survival should be relatively low. However, people were surprised to find that roe deer are the most widely distributed and the most adaptable among deer animals. How did they do it? Thanks to the roe deer's butt hair. When the roe deer senses danger, it blasts a white rump on its buttocks. These hip hairs are not for viewing, but to remind his friends: danger is coming, run for your life!

According to the survey, roe deer can only see black and white, but their sensitivity to light is very strong. This is also the reason why the roe deer will slam into the light source. The white buttock hair can attract the attention of the surrounding roe deer, and they will immediately enter a state of alert. In addition, roe deer jump up and down a lot when they are running, and the white rump hair can easily confuse the hunter's vision. On the other hand, the white buttock hair is also used as a signal light, so that the roe deer cubs who are separated can successfully find their ways back to their mothers.

Roe deer always return to the original place after running for a certain distance. That’s because the carnivores don't go after only prey. If they can't catch the target for a long time, they will just give up and look for the next one. The roe deer are also aware of this, so they will turn back the old places for grass. After all, going back to an old place is far less dangerous than reclaiming a new territory.