The Sweet And Nutritious Sugarcane
2022-08-17 22:53:13

The bamboo-like sugarcane is a widely consumed fruit that originated in New Guinea or India and has spread to over 100 countries worldwide. The largest producers of sugarcane are Brazil, India, and China.

Sugarcane not only tastes sweet but also has numerous health benefits for the body. Modern medical research has shown that sugarcane is rich in sugar and water and contains a variety of nutrients, including vitamins, fats, proteins, organic acids, calcium, iron, and other substances that are beneficial for human metabolism.

Sugarcane is not only used to add sweetness to food but also provides the nutrients and calories necessary for the human body.

In addition to its nutritional value, sugarcane has medicinal benefits as well. It contains a large amount of non-dietary fiber that has a laxative effect, stimulates the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, and aids in the digestion of food.

Sugarcane can also promote the regeneration of red blood cells, increase blood volume, and improve anemia. It can strengthen the body and promote metabolism by supplementing a variety of amino acids.

Sugarcane has economic value beyond its use as a food source. It can be processed into sucrose esters, fructose syrup, and other products. Bagasse, waste honey, and filter mud can be used to make paper, fiberboard, particleboard, furfural, feed, food medium, dry ice, yeast, citric acid, monosodium glutamate, glycerin, and other products.

Sugar is an important raw material for the food industry, including candy and beverages. Sugarcane is also an essential raw material for the light industry, chemical industry, and energy sector.

However, there are some taboos when it comes to consuming sugarcane. Those who are physically weak should avoid consuming it because sugarcane is a cold food material that can aggravate the symptoms of deficiency cold, causing cold pain in the stomach and abdomen.

People with diabetes or high blood sugar should avoid consuming sugarcane as it contains a lot of natural sucrose, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. Those with sore throats should be careful when consuming sugarcane, as certain varieties can cause internal fire, leading to a sore throat.

People with bad teeth should also avoid consuming sugarcane due to the hardness of the fruit.

Sugarcane is a versatile fruit that provides numerous health benefits and has economic value. While there are some taboos when it comes to consuming sugarcane, it remains a popular fruit that can be enjoyed in many forms, including sugarcane juice, which is especially refreshing on a hot summer day.