Healthy Breakfast Choices: Kiwis And Bananas
2022-08-21 14:03:49

A healthy breakfast is an important start to the day, but what constitutes a healthy breakfast can vary depending on cultural and regional traditions.

The word breakfast is derived from "breaking the fast" of the previous night. It is often said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but recent research has called into question the health benefits of eating breakfast, particularly if it is high in rapidly available carbohydrates.

Studies have shown that skipping breakfast can adversely affect memory, but not intelligence. Children aged between 8 and 11 who do not eat breakfast were found to have higher activity of upper and lower theta wave, alpha wave, and delta wave, indicating that breakfast consumption is causally related to memory function in this age group.

A review of 47 studies found that those who ate breakfast had better nutrition profiles, were more likely to have a healthy body weight, and performed better academically.

However, it is worth noting that these studies did not always find a correlation between breakfast and weight or academic performance and that skipping breakfast altogether might be better than eating unhealthy foods.

When it comes to healthy breakfast options, kiwis and bananas are both excellent choices. Kiwis are high in vitamin C and dietary fiber, making them beneficial for heart health, digestion, and immunity. The soluble dietary fiber in kiwis can also help stimulate regular and healthy digestion.

Bananas are convenient, delicious, and inexpensive fruit that contain many essential nutrients. They may even benefit weight loss, digestion, and heart health. While bananas are high in carbs, they are also low in calories and high in fiber, which can help keep you full and satisfied for longer. For a more filling snack, try combining sliced bananas with protein-rich foods like Greek yogurt or adding a banana to a protein shake.

Breakfast is an important meal of the day, but what constitutes a healthy breakfast can vary depending on cultural and regional traditions. Recent research has called into question the health benefits of eating breakfast, particularly if it is high in rapidly available carbohydrates.

However, skipping breakfast altogether might not be the best option. Kiwis and bananas are both excellent choices for a healthy breakfast, as they are high in nutrients and beneficial for heart health, digestion, and immunity.